Getting Results with Archibus

Preventive Maintenance

In order to prevent deterioration and breakdown of the facility, organizations need to monitor the maintenance of buildings and assets and prevent problems before they happen. Preventing a piece of production equipment from malfunctioning by periodically changing its air filters is well worth the time and effort of planning and executing this task.

The Preventive Maintenance application provides tools and reports that help you establish and manage a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for your time-based and meter-based, regularly occurring maintenance work. Use the application to define tasks such as inspection, calibration, adjustment, cleaning, lubrication, and parts replacement and schedule these jobs at intervals necessary to prevent breakdown and maintain proper operation Once you define the maintenance schedule, you can instruct the system to automatically generate work orders for executing these defined tasks.

By automating preventive maintenance, organizations minimize the risk that critical maintenance is missed or that errors occur. In addition, automation ensures efficient and timely work order execution, effective balancing of schedules and resources, and information tracking for planning and reporting purposes.


Preventive Maintenance


Archibus non-SaaS

  • Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance

Business Result

Prevention of deterioration and breakdown of equipment and facility.

Improved preventive maintenance for all assets and locations, based on time intervals or meter reading intervals and based on defined procedures and steps.

Improved efficiency in equipment operation with less downtime due to broken equipment.

Improved safety and working environment for staff as equipment and facility is regularly serviced and remains in good working order.

Used By

Facilities Managers

Maintenance Managers

Service Desk Managers



Equipment Managers

Reasons for Automating

Provide a comprehensive and automated planned maintenance schedule with predefined resource (trade, part, and tool) assignments.

Reduce operating costs by automatically generating work requests according to predefined schedules and service level agreements.

Automate work order generation and craftsperson assignment to PM work.

Automate the escalation of overdue PM work by developing service level agreements and matching these to work requests.

Reduce operating costs by reducing equipment downtime.

Reduce capital costs by lengthening equipment useful life.

Increase efficiency by providing maintenance managers with an intuitive interface for creating and scheduling PM work.

Provide a complete, web-based solution for managing all maintenance applications.

Balance the workload for craftspersons who undertake PM jobs.

Capture metrics on service provider workload and performance.

Management Reports

Summary Reports

Maintenance Report Builder

Maintenance Survey Report

Search Work Requests

Current Work & Planning

Work Request Budgets and Costs

Work Request Schedules and Costs

Open Work Requests

Overdue Work Requests

Historical Work & Trends

Completed Work Request Budgets and Costs

Costs of Completed Work Requests

Building Costs by Area and Occupancy

Equipment Maintenance History

Labor Analysis

Historical Work Statistics

Archived Work Requests

Work Request Aging


Labor Analysis Dashboard

Cost Analysis Dashboard

Budget Analysis Dashboard

Operational Reports

Summary Reports

Maintenance Report Builder

Maintenance Survey Report

Search Work Requests

Current Information

Current Equipment, Labor, Parts Inventory, Tools reports

Equipment Warranties and Service Contracts

Equipment Parts

Current Work & Planning

Equipment Schedules

Trade and Craftsperson Workload

Trade and Craftsperson Availability

Reserved Parts

Physical Inventory Variance

Tools and Tool Types Availability

Status of Tools

PM Schedules

Overdue PM Schedules


Locations of Work Requests

Work Requests for Same Equipment or Location

Historical Work & Trends

Equipment Failure Analysis

Equipment Replacement Analysis

Craftsperson and Trade Performance

Craftsperson Time Usage by Work Type

Craftsperson Time Usage by Date and Time

Tool Usage History

Parts Usage History

Historical Work Statistics

Archived Work Requests and Resources

Related Applications

Service Desk


Corrective Maintenance

Maintenance mobile app

OnSite mobile app (requires Connect tool)

The following are typical users:



Maintenance Managers

Define procedures and their required resources for common preventive maintenance tasks.

Define maintenance checklists.

Assign common procedures to specific locations and equipment and establish schedules for servicing these items and areas.

Generate work orders and work requests based on the defined schedules.

Forecast future work and resources by month or week.

Service Desk Managers Define and manage service level agreements (SLAs) that govern the work that supervisors and craftspersons do on PM work orders, and for searching and re-assigning in-process PM work orders.

Schedule the generated work by assigning craftspersons and tools to work orders.

Evaluate craftsperson workload, availability, and efficiency.

If they have the Maintenance mobile app, they can do this over their mobile device or smart phone.


Execute the work that is defined on the generated work orders, including maintenance checklists.

After job completion, update the system with details about how the job was completed.

If they have the Maintenance mobile app, they can do this over their mobile device or smart phone.

Equipment Managers Analyze equipment maintenance and efficiency with the equipment analysis reports.
Facility Managers Analyze maintenance costs and efficiency with the performance, forecast, and history reports.
Business Process Owners Maintain facilities background data and validating maintenance background data.