Space / Space Planning / Space Planner / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Select Scenario Tab
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Select Scenario Tab

Delete or Edit a Portfolio Scenario

To delete a scenario or edit its properties, you use the tools on the Select Scenario tab of the Space & Portfolio Planning Console.

Edit a Portfolio Scenario's Properties

To edit a scenario:

  1. On the Select Scenario tab of the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, locate the scenario in the list.
  2. Click the pencil-shaped Edit icon.
  3. In the resulting edit form, you can edit the information about the scenario, some of which you completed when initially creating the scenario.
Field Description
Portfolio Scenario The value that identifies the scenario.
Portfolio Scenario Name A descriptive name for the scenario. Provide a name that will help you easily locate this scenario. Note that you can complete this field with an existing project by clicking the ellipses button and selecting an existing project. For information, see Linking Projects to Portfolio Scenarios and Space Requirements.
Start Date The date the scenario starts. Typically, you do not want to edit this as the existing allocations reflect this date.
Scenario Level Reports on the organizational level for this scenario. You cannot change the value for Scenario Level, as the allocations have already been made at this level.
Scenario Status

You might develop several scenarios over time. Use this field to classify their current status:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • On Hold
  • Rejected
  • Accepted
Scenario Description Enter a brief description. This value will appear on the Select Scenario tab and is useful for quickly reminding you of the details of a scenario.
Scenario Comments Enter comments or more detailed description about the scenario.

Delete a Portfolio Scenario

Since scenarios are planning tools, space planners often find that they create scenarios that are not feasible and they no longer want. For example, they might create a scenario at the division level and once they start working with it realize that they need a more detailed scenario at the department level.

To delete a scenario:

  1. On the Select Scenario tab of the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, locate the scenario in the list.
  2. Click the pencil-shaped Edit icon.
  3. In the resulting edit form, choose Delete, and then Close.
  4. The system deletes the scenario and all of its allocations. It will no longer appear on the Select Scenario tab.
