Archibus Workplace

Managing Requests Made in Workplace

Depending on your license, you will manage requests made in Workplace using the Service Console or the appropriate views of applications and modules.

As the request is managed through the processes of the Archibus applications and modules, the requestor will see the request status change in Workplace.

For example:

  1. A Workplace user requests to move.
  2. In the Move Console, the manager approves the request.
  3. In Workplace, the requestor sees in their list of requests that the status of the move request has changed from Requested to Approved.

Once self-service users make requests from Workplace, a facility manger can manage the requests using the below Archibus applications and modules. Using the these tools, managers can add additional details to the request.

Note that the Service Console, included in Foundations, is also available in the Service Desk application so that you can manage requests with simple workflows from the Workplace Services application. See Service Console Overview.

Archibus Workplace task How Managed
Request Meeting Space

Reservations application

Reservations module

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

Requests for Working Space

Hoteling application

Reservations module

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

Request Service

Service Desk application

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

Request Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance application

Maintenance module

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

Request Individual Move

Moves application

Space SaaS module

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

Request Group Move (Managers only)

Moves application

Space SaaS module

Service Console (Foundations or Service Desk)

For information, see Manage Workplace Requests in Applications and Modules video (2:43).


  1. A vendor is performing monthly stocking of the kitchen snack and coffee supplies in building HQ, and notes that kitchen and lunch room is unusually hot.
  2. The vendor signs into Workplace. (The vendor is a frequent building guest and is registered in the Archibus system and has a record in the Archibus Users table and Vendors table. If this was not the case, the vendor could sign in as a guest.)
  3. The vendor uses Workplace to report the problem and chooses TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT on the Create Request form.
  4. The system looks up the practices (the service level agreement or SLA) for handling TEMP. ADJUSTMENT in building HQ  and notes that there is practice for TEMP. ADJUSTMENT and that it is not building-specific. The practice calls for auto-approving and auto-issuing the request and routing the request to Will Tram, a supervisor and also the craftsperson to execute the work.
  5. Will Tram signs into the Maintenance Console and sees this approved and issued work request in his queue. From the Maintenance Console, Will can add additional details such as changing the labor hours estimate, adding parts, and updating the work request when the job finishes.

Note: Since a Foundations-only user does not have access to the Maintenance Console, they manage the request in the Service Console.