Workplace Services / Service Desk / Business Manager
Space / Space Inventory / Space Manager (Transactional)
Space / Occupancy Space Manager (Transactional)

Approving, Rejecting, Forwarding, or Editing a Service Request

Some service requests require approval by a business manager or a space manager. As a business manager or space manager, you will see a list of service requests that have been routed to you and require your review.

After reviewing the request, you can choose to:


  1. Select the Approve Service Request task, and the system presents a list of requests requiring your review.
  2. Select a request to review.
  3. Depending on the service level agreement governing the request, the system will display the request in either:

    The fields of data shown for a request depend on the request type.

If you don't have the option to edit the request:

  1. Review the information and enter a comment about your action in the text box.
  2. Approve or reject your request by clicking the Approve or Reject button located at the bottom of the page. This will set the request status accordingly.
  3. Or, if appropriate, choose to forward the request to another business manager for approval by completing the Forward To option and selecting the Forward button.

If you have the option to edit the request: 

  1. Review the request information.
  2. If necessary, edit the request's information, such as adding an equipment item, inserting a document, or changing the priority. Note that changing the priority or other information will invoke the corresponding response procedure.
  3. Approve or reject your request by clicking the Approve or Reject button located at the bottom of the page. This will set the request status accordingly.
  4. Or, if appropriate, choose to forward the request with your edits to another business manager for approval by completing the Forward To option and selecting the Forward button.

After you approve, reject, or forward a request, the system removes the request from your queue and returns you to a list of other requests that need your review.

See Also