Real Property / Forecasting / Portfolio Forecasting

Area Fields for Portfolio Forecasting

The Portfolio Forecasting application enables you to import floor areas based on your CAD inventory if one exists, or based on a manual area when there is no CAD inventory. CAD areas can be based on groups or room inventories. Once you import these areas into the Portfolio Forecasting application, they are treated as group allocation events that you can adjust to create different scenarios for space allocation.

If you have leased areas, when you use the Add Building action, the application creates lease information records. In this case, the available space is determined by the sum of the suites for the floor, rather than the floor area

Floor areas are the basis for:

Note: If the Usable Area is available and computed from the Space Inventory, the system will not use the Manual Area. If the floor’s Usable Area is 0, the system will always use the floor’s Manual Area.

The following information describes the floor, suite, and group areas you can work with.

Floor Manual Area or Floor Usable Area from a Room Inventory

If you have a room inventory or a room list developed in CAD, these areas are imported into the forecast when you import the building having the rooms into the scenario. The Departments and Employees in those departments are given allocation groups in the scenario based upon the floors on which they are located .

The Portfolio Forecasting application uses the Usable Area (fl.area_usable) for a CAD inventory. If the rooms are not drawn in CAD, then the Floor Manual Area is used. Once these areas are imported into the forecast, they are referred to as group allocation events that you can adjust to reflect your planning.

Note: Run the Update Area Totals before beginning. The Floor Usable Area (fl.area_usable) is updated when you run the Update Area Totals workflow rule. You can do this from the Space / Space Inventory / Room Inventory / Update Area Totals view. If you have not recently run this workflow rule, you should do so before working with portfolio forecasts based on CAD-derived room inventories. This ensures that the most up-to-date usable room and floor areas are used.

Group Areas

If you have a group inventory, you can copy it into the scenario using the Copy from Group Inventory action. The group inventory you copy can be based on either the CAD-derived group Area (gp.area) or the manually entered Manual Area (gp.area_manual.)

When you import these group areas into the forecast, the application creates allocation groups. The values for the allocations are based on the Group Areas you have polylined and that are then summed for floors. The group Area (CAD-derived area), if it exists, is copied to the group Area field for the allocation, and the group's Manual area, if it exists, is copied to the Manual Area for the allocation. Allocation groups derived from CAD group areas developed in the Space Inventory application are the only allocation groups that have a CAD area. These areas are imported using the Copy from Group Inventory action from the Define Portfolio Scenarios view. See Copying your group inventory to a scenario.

For more detail about entering groups in CAD and integrating them with Portfolio Forecasting see Starting in CAD.

Suite Area used to calculate available floor area

Available floor area can be based on suites for leased spaces. When suites exist for a floor, the Available Space in the Space Gap Analysis Chart and the Stack Chart are based on suite area summed for the floor. If a floor has a suite associated with it, it is assumed to be leased space available for the duration of the lease.

When you use the Add Building action, and the building's floors have associated leases, the application creates Lease Information records that are shown in the Allocation Events tab. These records show the lease Date Start and Date End. You can adjust the Date End to test how extending or terminating a lease affects space availability.

Manual Area used in the Portfolio Forecasting Wizard

When you run the Add Building action, the application automatically creates group allocation events based on the floor area for the location you are adding. When you add the building to the scenario, although a measured area, if it exists, is used to get the floor area value (the sum of the rm.area), the Manual Area (gp.area_manual) field is populated when the application creates the allocation groups.

When you run the Copy from Group Inventory action, the application also creates allocation events based on the group areas. The CAD-derived group area is used if it exists; if not, the manually entered area for the group is used. If the CAD-derived area is used, the group allocation is entered as a CAD Area, not as a Manual Area. This is the only time that the allocation will have a CAD value for its area.

When you add an allocation event manually, the area for the allocation is always entered as a manual area. You can enter the Manual Area directly, or you can have the system calculate the Manual Area based on a % of Floor or Employee Headcount. When the application calculates the % of Floor, it uses the CAD-derived floor area when it exists, or the manual area if it does not. The system calculates the allocations based on the group or room areas depending on what area has been developed for the floor. So, although the allocated area is entered as a Manual Area, it can be derived from the floor's CAD-based measured area.

To enter the manual area you can:

See Allocation Events Tab.