Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Service Desk Manager

Service Desk Manager Overview

When a maintenance manager instructs the system to generate work requests, the system can consult pre-defined service level agreements (SLAs) and apply SLA information to the work requests. SLAs define the workflow by setting such information as which craftsperson should do the job, the assigned supervisor or work team, and if a work order should be automatically issued.

The service desk manager is responsible for defining the service level agreements that control preventive maintenance workflow.

Note: The role of the Service Desk Manager in the Preventive Maintenance application is optional. If your site does not have specific craftspersons for a task, if you do not want to enforce escalations in the time that work should be completed, or if you do not have different supervisors and work teams for different PM procedures, then you do not need to set up service level agreements.

Note: Although both the Preventive Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance applications use SLAs, SLAs for preventive maintenance should be defined and edited using the tasks of the Preventive Maintenance application. Do not edit an SLA for preventive maintenance from the tasks of the Corrective Maintenance application.

Note: When you create Preventive Maintenance SLAs using the SLA Console, the system will automatically assign the SLA a request type of Service Desk Maintenance and a Problem Type of Preventive-Maintenance.


Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Grouping SLAs

Editing SLAs

Working with Templates

Workflow Name

Develop SLAs Using the SLA Console (the Manage Service Level Agreements task)

Prerequisite: Define SLA Priority Levels

Overview: Manage Service Level Agreements (SLA Console)

Summary Topics

Using the SLA Console's SLA Wizard to Create Preventive Maintenance SLAs (Edit Details)

Use the SLA Console's  Quick Action Form to Create Preventive Maintenance SLAs

Detail Topics

Step 1: Set Priority Levels

Step 2: Add Optional Steps

Step 3: Define the Service Window

Other Tasks

Determine the Ordering Sequence of SLAs

Create Groupings

Search & Manage Work Requests