Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Move Console

Cancel an Approved Move

After a move has been approved, if circumstances change and the move is no longer needed, you can cancel the move request.

You can cancel an entire group move, the individual moves within a group move, or an individual move.

Note: If the move has not yet been approved, and the move is no longer needed, an approving manager would reject the move. See Approving Manager Help.

To cancel an approved group move or individual move

  1. Select one of the following tasks:
    • Move Coordinator / Move Console
    • Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Issue
  2. From the Approved Moves list, select the group move or individual move you want to cancel. You move to the Issue tab (if working with the Issue task), or the Review Details tab (if working with the Move Console task).
  3. From the Project Status field (for group moves) or the Move Status field (for individual moves), select Approved-Canceled, and click Save.

To cancel a move that is part of a group move project

  1. Select one of the following tasks:
    • Move Coordinator / Move Console
    • Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Issue
  2. From the Approved Moves list, select the group move that holds the individual move you want to cancel. You move to the Review Details tab.
  3. From the appropriate tab (Employee, New Hire, and so on), click on the move you want to cancel.
  4. The Move Console displays an edit pop-up form.
  5. In the Move Status field (for individual moves), select Approved-Canceled, and click Save.