Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Scenarios
Space / Moves / Move Scenarios

CAD User: Publish Layout Scenarios

Once you are satisfied with the space configuration on your layout scenario, you can publish it to an enterprise graphics file so that others can view it using Web Central. For example, you may have received comments from a space planner or move planner on proposed layouts. Once you make the changes on the layout scenario, you can publish it so that the move manager can experiment with personnel placement in Web Central as they create their occupancy scenarios.

The Layouts tab offers a Publish command specifically designed for working with layout scenarios; it generates the required enterprise graphics files that are needed to support Layout Scenarios. As a result, it runs more quickly than the standard Publish Enterprise Graphics command on the Archibus ribbon. For general information on publishing to enterprise graphics, see Publishing Drawings as Enterprise Graphics.

Click the Publish button the Layouts tab of the Explorer pane to run the Publish command. For the current drawing, the command generates:

The command generates a new record for each of the published files in the Archibus Enterprise Graphics (afm_enterprise_graphics) table. Each record has the Usage Type field set to "Scenario."

Note: If you used Select Layout to load the official inventory drawing (that is, the layout has "Inventory" as part of its layout name), you should publish enterprise graphics using the Archibus / Synchronization / Publish Enterprise Graphics command from the Ribbon so that the complete drawing publishing process is run. Accordingly, the Layout tab does not activate the Publish command if the inventory layout is loaded.

Note: Note: The default drawing publishing rules (stored in the afm_dwgpub table) call for publishing additional layers that include RM*, indicating layers that begin with RM. Therefore, if you have worked on a trial layer in the official inventory drawing, the generated SVG will contain both your official Room polylines (RM$) and the Room Trial polylines (RM-TRIAL$). This may make the floor plan hard to read. In Web Central, you can use the Layers menu to shut off the RM-TRIAL layers. Or, to prevent publication of the Room Trial information, you can edit the drawing publishing rules: in the afm_dwgpub table's Additional Layers field, change RM* to RM for all active drawing publishing rules.

File Naming

When the Publish command generates the SVG and other files, it names them by appending the trial layer name to the end of the drawing name. Recall, that new drawings created with the Create process use a naming convention that appends the prototype layer name and optionally AutoCAD view name to the original inventory DWG file name. Thus, an SVG file name builds on top of this drawing name to create a file name that has several components.

For example, if you have an inventory drawing of HQ18, a trial layer name of RM-TRIAL1, and an AutoCAD view of NORTH, you would have these file names.

Type of drawing Layout Scenario Drawing Name Syntax Example Layout Scenario Drawing Name SVG Name Syntax Example SVG Name
New drawing, entire floor Inventory Drawing Name-Trial Layer Name HQ18-RM-TRIAL1.dwg Layout Scenario Drawing Name (from Column 2)-Trial Layer Name HQ18-RM-TRIAL1-RM-TRIAL1.svg
New drawing, partial floor Inventory Drawing Name-Trial Layer Name-AutoCAD View Name HQ18-RM-TRIAL1-NORTH.dwg HQ18-RM-TRIAL1-NORTH-RM-TRIAL1.svg
Existing drawing, partial floor Inventory Drawing Name HQ18.dwg HQ18-RM-TRIAL1.svg
Existing drawing, entire floor Inventory Drawing Name HQ18.dwg HQ18-RM-TRIAL1.svg

When move planners assign a layout to a move scenario, they see the SVG files -- named according to the above convention -- in the Available Layouts list.