Real Property / Leases / Suite Analysis

View Unaccounted Suite Area (Smart Client)

If you have a CAD inventory that depicts your leased areas as suite asset symbols, you can view unaccounted suite area -- portions of the floor that are rentable but that are not currently being charged to any lease -- using the Real Property / Leases / Suite Analysis / View Unaccounted Suite Area task. The program subtracts the total usable area for all suites on a floor from the total usable area for the floor, and shows the discrepancy as unaccounted suite area. The usable area for a suite is the actual area the suite occupies derived from a CAD floor plan drawing.

To have the system calculate a floor's usable area, you need to develop a building performance CAD inventory that includes internal gross areas, vertical penetration areas, and service areas. The floor's usable area is calculated when you run the Update Area Totals task from one of the processes for the Space Inventory & Personnel application, such as the Building Performance process. As a result of developing these fundamental floor areas, you are able to generate several important statistics about your floor, and then have the system sum this floor information for the overall building. See Building Performance Overview.

The report also shows the total Area Rentable,for all suites on the floor. The Area Rentable is the actual CAD-derived area for suites plus the portion of common area that is prorated to the suites. From the Unaccounted Suite Area report, you can compare the Area Rentable (the area that can be charged for) to the Area Usable, the actual CAD-derived area for the suite.

The View Unaccounted Suite Area task is available from the Smart Client only.