Capital Projects / Capital Budgeting

Creating Budgets (Process Overview)

The Budget process enables you to create multiyear program-based capital budgets based on capital programs that define your basic goals for capital improvements. You can also create capital budgets that incorporate capital projects and project funding allocations into your capital budget process.

Using the Budget process, you can define your programs, generate a capital budget, and review budgets. To define project information, use the Request process.


To develop capital budgets, work through the following steps:

  1. Define Program Types: If you are going to associate your capital programs with a capital program types, you define these program types before adding programs. See Defining Program Types.
  2. Add and Edit Programs: Add capital programs according to the major categories for your capital budget. See Adding Capital Programs.
  3. Adding funding sources and allocate funds to projects. See Entering Funding Sources and Allocating Funding.
  4. Add and edit budget codes: Create capital budget codes for which you can then generate a budget. This is done using the Add and Edit Budget Codes task to add a Budget Code and Description.
  5. Generate a Capital Budget: Generate a basic program capital budget, or generate a capital budget that is based on project data.
  6. Edit budget details: You can manually edit budget details. However, once you edit an item manually, it cannot be generated from project data if you regenerate the budget using the Update Budget from Project Data option. See Editing Budget Data Manually.
  7. View Budget by Program: Select a budget to see data for its programs. Export the program budget data to Excel, or generate this data as a report.
  8. View Budget by Program Type: Select a budget to see data summarized for its program types. Export the program type budget data to Excel, or generate this data as a report.