
A tool for accessing tasks and reports according to:

The Navigator uses a hierarchical approach to access specific tasks. You first choose a domain (a grouping of applications), and then applications, processes (roles), and tasks. In Archibus SaaS, the Navigator does not include the domain level. The application level is the starting level.

As shown below, a Non-SaaS user might start with a general facility area (the Space domain), a goal within this area (Space Inventory application), choose their role within the application (Space Manager), and then choose from a list of tasks for this role. Instead of a role, you sometimes choose a process, such as Building Performance or Background Data.

For a particular user, Archibus Administrators define the processes (roles) that appear on the user's Navigator by running the System / Archibus Administrator - User and Security / Assign Processes to Roles or Users task.

The Navigator is available in:


In Web Central, the Navigator displays on the left side of the application, as shown above.

In Smart Client and CAD, the Navigator is housed in the Explorer pane, which is located on the left side of the application window. The Navigator has a different appearance in the Smart Client programs.

See also