Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis

Recording Data for Your Real Estate Assets

Types of assets

You record real estate assets in the following tables:

For this type of asset ... ... enter it in this table.
Land Properties table
Building Buildings table
Equipment whether it is inside or outside the building Equipment table
Capital projects and routine maintenance projects Projects table

Recording asset values

More specifically, use the method in the table below to record the asset values.

If you have ... such as ... record total asset value... ... divide cost of buildings and land.
Land Assets

Undeveloped land

Land held in trust for future development opportunity

in the Properties Table as Market Value

Note: Properties can consist of one or more parcels, with or without buildings assigned.

Typically, the value of Land is not depreciated.
Property asset with one Buildings assigned

An office building

A parking garage

A storage warehouse

in the Buildings Table as:

  • Market Value: town assessed building value (used in determining annual tax amount)
  • Book Value: building depreciated remaining value (updated annually at Fiscal Year End).

Note: Enter a Property table record assigned to one Building Code.

in the Financial Analysis Parameters table as:

  • Straight-Line Depreciation method (based on Building Purchase Price at Date of Purchase)
Property asset with multiple Buildings assigned A university campus manages a single large property with multiple buildings for classrooms, labs, and student housing.

in the Buildings Table as:

  • Market Value: town assessed building value (used in determining annual tax amount)
  • Book Value: building depreciated remaining value (updated annually at Fiscal Year End

Note: Enter one Property table record assigned to multiple building table records.

in the Financial Analysis Parameters table as:

  • Straight-Line Depreciation method (based on Building Purchase Price at Date of Purchase)
Multiple Properties with one Buildings assigned A university campus owns a single, large building for dormitory facilities which expands over multiple property addresses.

in the Buildings Table as:

  • Market Value
  • Book Value

Note: Enter multiple Property table records assigned to one Building Code.

in the Financial Analysis Parameters table as:

  • Straight-Line Depreciation method (based Building Purchase Price at Date of Purchase)
Structures or outside equipment that require maintenance

A cell tower

A telecom and power shed for a cell tower

A billboard

In the Equipment table as:

  • Purchase Price
  • Date In-Service
  • Property Type

in the Financial Analysis Parameters table as:

  • Property Type determines Depreciation method (Equipment Purchase Price and Date In-Service are also used)


The above is the recommended way of recording assets. Some sites will instead record some non-building real estate assets for example, cell towers, parking garages) as structures in the Properties table. If you do so, record these in the following way.

Recording data for property, buildings, projects, and equipment

To run the Strategic Financial Analysis action for project and equipment, be aware of the following:

The following table describes where to record the data depending on what Archibus applications you are using:

Working with... and you have this Archibus application ... ... develop this data

If you do not have the Archibus Portfolio application

Use the Smart Client view to enter and maintain Properties records:

  • Property Code, and Description
  • Market Value, Tax Rate – Property, and Tax Rate - School
  • Property Status, Property Type, Property Use, and Zoning Type
  • Construction Type, Criticality, Comments, and Property Condition
  • Purchase Price, Selling Price, Date Purchased, Date Sold, Date Disposed
  • Address 1, City Code, State Code, Country Code, Region Code
  • Site Code, Postal Code
  If you have the Archibus Portfolio application Use the Portfolio Edit Wizard to add the building and manage its Ownership Transaction. See Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items.
  If you do not have the

Space Inventory application

Use Smart Client view to enter and maintain Buildings records:

  • Building Code, Building Name
  • Market Value, Book Value
  • Date Built
  • Building Status, Building Type, Building Use
  • Construction Type, Criticality, Cost per. Area
  • Address 1, City Code, State Code, Country Code, Region Code
  • Site Code, Property Code, Postal Code
  • Ext. Gross Area, Int. Gross Area, Rentable Area, Usable Area
  • Max Bldg. Occupancy, Building Occupancy



If you have the Space Inventory application

Develop space inventory normally.
UPDATE ROOM AREAS: recalculates the building areas used for metric proration.


If you have the Personnel Inventory & Occupancy application

Develop space inventory normally.
UPDATE ROOM AREAS: recalculates the building occupancy counts used for metric proration.


If you have the Portfolio application

Use the Portfolio Edit Wizard to add the building and building Ownership Transaction details. See Portfolio Edit Wizard.




Supports both capital improvement projects versus expense projects.

Each project can be a mixture of capital expenditures and project expense costs.


If you do have the Archibus Projects application

Run the standard request and estimation process for projects.

The Aggregate Operating Expenses action aggregates the Action Item costs by their Project - Cost Categories.


If you do nothave the Archibus Projects application

Use Smart Client view to create projects, and enter in the Cost – Budgeted value for each project code. Maintain the following data:

  • Project Code, Project Name
  • Cost – Budgeted
  • Date – Requested Start, Date – Requested End, Date – Completed
  • Project Type, Project Status, Project Number, Program Name
  • Building Code, Site Code, Project Manager
  • Project Summary, Comments, Criticality

Now run the Aggregate Operating Expenses action.

The Aggregate Operating Expenses action aggregates the Action Item costs by their Project - Cost Categories.




If you do not have Archibus Assets

Use Smart Client view to enter and maintain Equipment records:

  • Equipment Code
  • Purchase Price
  • Depreciated Value
  • In-Service Date
  • Property Type
  • Equipment Standard
  • Equipment Category
  • Equipment Condition
  • Classification Code
  • Equip. Status
  • Equipment Use
  • Site Code, Building Code, Floor Code, Room Code
  • Additional Comments, Criticality

If you have Archibus Assets

Develop the Equipment assets as you normally do. You can use the Asset Portal, Assets, or Enterprise Assets application to develop this data.