Click to see the full image of the Forecast Capital Costs dialog. Click to see the full image of the Cost Wizrd Click to view the full Aggregate Operating Expenses form. Click to see the full Estimate Income and Expenses form Click to see the Forecast Capital Costs form. Click to see the Estimate Income and Expenses form. Click to see a larger image of the Cost Wizard Click to see the Aggregate and Forecast Costs form
Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis

Data Flow for Strategic Financial Analysis

This section overviews the concepts and essential work process for using the application.

Essential Data for Strategic Financial Analysis

Once you have defined your background data, use the Smart Client process to define the essential asset data for Properties, Buildings, Projects and Equipment. The Strategic Financial Analysis: Process Overview topic has the specific fields you need to enter.

For each Property, Building, Project or Equipment item, run either or both of:

You can also use the Cost Wizard to enter costs for a property or building directly.

Regardless of the method you use, the application places all results in the standard Cost, Scheduled Cost, and Recurring Costs tables.

The Update Analysis Metrics action uses the rules defined in the Analysis Metrics Definitions table to calculate the resulting metrics. The action places the resulting metric values in the

The Financial Analysis Console presents the results of these analysis calculations in a way that can be filtered and displayed many different ways.

To see a larger image of the screen shots in the below diagram, click on the screen shot in the diagram and an enlarged image will appear in a popup window.

Using Existing Archibus Data for Strategic Financial Analysis

Capital Costs

You may have developed data using another Archibus application:

In this case, when you load that asset into the Forecast Capital Costs action, any existing information – su

ch as Market Value, Date Purchased, or Purchase Price – will appear as the default the first time you use the form. You can then use the action per normal to create the cost table records that feed the analysis metrics.

To see a larger image of the screen shots in the below diagram, click on the screen shot in the diagram and an enlarged image will appear in a popup window.

Directly Entered Income and Expense Costs

You may have developed income and expense data with:

These applications place their costs in the central cost tables of Archibus. As a result, these costs will automatically be included in the analysis metrics results.

To see a larger image of the screen shots in the below diagram, click on the screen shot in the diagram and an enlarged image will appear in a popup window.

As discussed above, you can still use the Forecast Income & Expenses action to add other categories of cost that you have not developed or add estimates for other buildings or properties that you do not manage with the Leases or Costs applications.

Aggregated Income and Expense Costs

You have costs in other Archibus applications such as:

In this case, use the Aggregate Operating Expenses action. This action:

The analysis metrics then include these costs as it does any other costs in the cost tables.

To see a larger image of the screen shots in the below diagram, click on the screen shot in the diagram and an enlarged image will appear in a popup window.

Other Values

There are a number of other values that the metrics use directly if they are present. These include:

If these applications are not in use, you can enter the values directly in the Strategic Financial Analysis application via the Smart Client views. The application uses these values for analyses that depend on book value, market value, building criticality and capacity.

There are other more unique values that require companion applications if they are to be used:

You can use Strategic Financial Analysis if you do not have these applications. However, the values for FCI, vacancy, and budget and schedule variance will be zero.

To see a larger image of the screen shots in the below diagram, click on the screen shot in the diagram and an enlarged image will appear in a popup window.