Space / Moves

Integrating with Other Archibus Applications

The Archibus Moves application has been designed so that it can be easily integrated with other Archibus applications. No importing of data is necessary if you choose to use the Moves with either of these applications.

Capital Budgeting

Moves projects use the same Projects table that is used in the Capital Budgeting application. Therefore, any project data that is obtained with the Moves application can be integrated with the Capital Budgeting application. See the Capital Budgeting: Application Overview.


Moves projects use the same Projects table that is used in the Projects application. Therefore, move projects and actions can be managed and executed in the Projects application. See Projects: Application Overview.

Corrective Work

The Moves application allows you to create actions that generate work requests when the move is issued. You can then manage these work requests using the Corrective Maintenance application. See Corrective Maintenance: Application Overview.

Space Inventory

Directly from the Space Console, you can select the employees to move and their new locations and then generate a group move order or add the employees to an existing move order. The Space Console passes the employee and location information to the Moves application, where you can use all the application's features -- such as routing moves for approval, planning the move using move scenarios, moving an employee's associated equipment, tracking moves for generating churn statistics, and so on -- to carry out the move. See Space Inventory / Space Console.

Space Planning and Enterprise Assets

From both Space Planning and Enterprise Assets, you can generate move orders for proposed moves.

To integrate Moves with these applications, complete the move project's Project Name with the same name as the proposed project or as the portfolio scenario. It is by Project Name that the proposed project, Space Planning-related project, and the move project can be linked. See: