Sustainability & Risk / Energy / Energy Manager & Facilities Director

Bill Processing Exceptions Report

The weather model regression analysis requires that bills be entered for complete months and with no gaps in Billing Period. If you are entering your bills for time periods other than monthly, or have some gaps in your Billing Period and Date Service Starts and Ends dates, you can use the Bill Processing Exceptions report to fix your data, so that the weather model analysis can process it. When you run the report, you review the exceptions the application found, and then decide what actions to take to resolve the issue. For example, if you have entered a bill that covers a two-month period, you can use the Bill Processing Exceptions report to prorate the bill to two monthly bills so that the bill can be processed. This type of proration is referred to as proration by time.

Note: The application also enables you to prorate by location if you define proration groups. That is, you can prorate a bill received for multiple buildings and prorate it to specific buildings defined for the proration group. See Enter Bills for a Group of Buildings.