Sustainability & Risk / Energy / Cost Administrator or Accounting Supervisor

Enter Bills for a Group of Buildings

If you receive energy bills that are for a group of buildings, you can use the Enter Bills for Groups of Buildings task to enter bills for that group of buildings, and have the application generate bills for each building in the group using the proration method you define for the group. After prorating the bills for a group of buildings, you can review the prorated bills; if anything is not correct, you can delete the generated bills and perform the proration again, this time making the needed adjustments. When you prorate bills for a group of buildings into individual bills for each building in the group, this is referred to as proration by location.

When drilling down in reports, you can drill down to see bill line items for the parent bill. The generated child bills do not have bill lines. .

If you do not need to prorate the bill by location, use the Enter Bills task.

Note: When you enter bills for a group of buildings, the application uses the original bill data for the weather model analysis and for generating cost records, not the bills that are the result of prorating the bill. The bills that are the result of proration or aggregation are used in all reports except the Usage with Weather Model.

Getting started

Before entering bills for a proration group, you should:

About editing the child bills resulting from a proration for a group of buildings

After you generate the prorated bills, you cannot edit them from the Enter Bills for a Groups of Buildings task. From this task, you can review the generated bills, and you can delete them if the bills are not acceptable. You can then prorate them again, this time entering different values for the consumption and billing amounts, so that you get the results you need.

Be aware that editing bills generated by a proration action for a group of buildings (proration by location) should be done with care. When you prorate bills by building group, the application checks that the amounts for the original bill matches the totals for the generated bills. However, if you edit the child bills, this would put the child bills and the original bills out-of-sync. All of the reports except the Usage with Weather Model show data from the child bills, while the Usage with Weather Model and cost records are generated using the original bill for the group. If you change the Consumption, Volume, Amount Income or the Amount Expense for any child bill without changing the bill for the group, there will not be consistency between the reports on the one hand, and the Usage with Weather Model and cost records on the other.