Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance

Concept: Comparing Extended Questionnaires in Compliance and Maintenance

Both the Maintenance and Compliance applications take advantage of the extended questionnaire technology to support maintenance checklists and compliance surveys. This topic compares the use of extended questionnaires in the two applications


In both applications, extended questionnaires support many of the same goals . However, there are differences, as noted below.

Goal Maintenance Compliance

Support safety requirements with maintenance checklists



Support compliance requirements with asset-related checklists



Input and report on important asset attribute values with asset-related questionnaires



Establish a robust compliance program



Track compliance programs, requirements, and outcomes



Create and link simple questionnaires to work requests



Create and link complex questionnaires to compliance events and work requests


Yes (need Maintenance application to see events in work requests)


The following summarizes differences between maintenance checklists and compliance surveys.

Issue Maintenance Checklists Compliance Surveys

View to define questionnaires.

Note: Each view's filter includes the appropriate options for surveys or checklists.


Define Maintenance Checklists


Define Compliance Surveys

Supports editing both maintenance checklists and compliance surveys

No. The Define Maintenance Checklists task lists only maintenance checklists.

Yes. The Define Compliance Questionnaires task lists both checklists and compliance surveys.
Question Types supported Time and Lookup questions are not supported. All
Archibus platform for field personnel completing questionnaires

Maintenance Console view

Maintenance mobile app

Several Compliance views

Compliance Survey mobile app

Follow-up questions and actions

Standard options:

  • prompt for comments
  • prompt for photos
  • prompt to create a service request.

Same standard options as Maintenance:

  • prompt for comments
  • prompt for photos
  • prompt to create a service request.

Multi-level follow-up:

  • questions of all question types
  • actions including workflow rules, service requests, and full range of action items.

See Add Follow-up Questions and Actions

How assigned to field personnel
  1. Assign checklists to maintenance SLAs. Generate work requests (based on SLA) and assign to craftspersons in the standard way.
  2. When craftsperson syncs, Archibus generates events (action items) for the checklists by copying the information from the work request to the event so the checklist and work request are linked.
  3. When the craftsperson accesses their assigned work request in mobile, they access the checklist.
  1. Assign questionnaires to compliance requirements and contract terms.
  2. Define and generate events for requirements and contract terms.
  3. Questionnaires are assigned to staff through staff's assignments to events.
Value of the activity_type field in the questionnaires_ex table MAINTENANCE - EVENT


See Also

Compliance Surveys: Overview

Maintenance Checklists: Overview

Concept: Use Compliance Questionnaires with Maintenance Workflow