Capital Projects/ Commissioning / Post-Construction
Commissioning Equipment: Lifecycle Analysis
From the Lifecycle Analysis tab, you can review, add, or edit information used for lifecycle analysis of your equipment assets.
To enter or review lifecycle analysis information:
- Select Post-Construction/Commission Equipment.
The Lifecycle Analysis tab becomes active.
- From the Equipment Code list, select the equipment asset for which you want to review or edit lifecycle information.
- Enter or review the following information:
Date of Manufacture You can use this field to document the date the equipment was made.
Install Date The date the equipment is installed. This is also the date at which depreciation starts. Date went in for repair
Date went in storage
The date the equipment was repaired, or was placed in storage. Date sold
If you sell the equipment, complete this field with the date of sale. Date of Last Meter Reading
If you are using the Preventive Maintenance application, and have implemented meter-based preventive maintenance, manually complete this field with the same values you enter for the corresponding fields of the Work Requests table.
Classification Code
Use this field to indicate a classification for this piece of equipment. These classifications are designed to serve as a reference for analysis, evaluation, and monitoring during the feasibility, planning, and design stages of buildings. However, they are not limited to construction and can be used throughout a building’s life.
Years Life Expectancy
This number of years life expectancy for an asset is based on industry standards. It is the mean service life in years assigned to the asset at the equipment standard level. The Years Life Expectancy is used to calculate the Remaining Life (yrs.)
The value for this field is based on the value entered for the equipment standard. However, you are able to change this to reflect the circumstances of a particular piece of equipment. For example, if an air handler is stored in the basement, rather than on the roof, you could extend the life expectancy for that equipment asset.
In-Service Date
The date the equipment was actually placed in-service, as opposed to the date when the equipment was installed. Entering the In-Service Date for an equipment asset is important as the application dynamically determines the Equipment Age (yrs) based on the current date minus the In-Service Date.
Avg. Metered Usage/Day
The average metered use per day. If you are using the Preventive Maintenance application, the program's scheduling routine can determine upcoming preventive maintenance according to meter-based scheduling. # of normal operating hrs/day
If you do not want to use the Equipment Schedules table to document the use of equipment, record equipment, use this field. This field is handy for recording the use of non-production equipment and production equipment that runs the same hours every day.
Equipment Condition Select the description for the equipment's condition. Equip. Status
This list field provides several values for documenting how an equipment item is currently being used -- is it in storage, being repaired, salvaged, or in use? Criticality Use this numeric field to document the importance of the equipment item. For example, you may want to provide a high rating for production equipment that has an expensive down-time cost. Cost to Replace Use this field to document the cost of replacing this item. The Maintenance domain uses this in its Equipment Replacement Analysis report. Recovery Status After an emergency, use this field to record the status of equipment. The default value is "No Status" to indicate that the item has not been affected by an emergency situation. If an emergency occurs, complete this field with the condition of the item after the emergency, such as "Unfit for Use – Recoverable." When you are ready to bring the item back on line, you can change the status to "Fit for Use."
Finally, when the item is back to its original condition and situation, you can return the value to "No Status." You can enter these values here, or users of the Emergency Preparedness application can set these values with the "Update Equipment Status" action.The following fields are calculated:
- Equipment Age (yrs.): The application calculates equipment age as the current date minus the In-Service Date you enter for the equipment.
- Remaining Life (yrs.): The application determines the life remaining for an asset based on Years Life Expectancy minus the actual Equipment Age (yrs).
- Mean Time Between Failures (days) and Mean Time To Repair (hrs.): The Equipment Failure Analysis report calculates these fields to document the effectiveness of the equipment item, and the effectiveness of your maintenance efforts.
- Click Save.