Archibus SaaS / Assets / Background Data - IT
Assets / Assets / Background Data - IT
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Background Data - IT
Assets / Telecom Assets / Background Data - IT

Define Racks

Define racks to document the racks in your telecom areas, as well as the types of equipment they hold. Rack numbers you define in with this task appear in the Telecom Console when you create new equipment or patch panels for your telecom inventory.

To define a new rack:

  1. Select Define Racks from a location listed at the top of this topic.

    The Define Racks view opens.

  2. Click Add New above the list of racks.
  3. In the right pane, enter data to define a new rack.
    Building CodeClick the Select Value button to select a building code from the database. This locator is a required entry.
    Floor CodeClick the Select Value button to select a floor code from the database. This locator is a required entry.
    Room CodeClick the Select Value button to select a room code from the database. This locator is a required entry.
    Rack CodeEnter a rack code that uniquely identifies the rack in the specified location. Each rack in a given room must have a unique identifier.
    DescriptionOptionally, enter a brief description of the type of equipment in the rack.
  4. Click Save to save the new rack.

    The new rack appears in the Racks list.

Note: You can also use the Racks data record to modify specifications for an existing rack, or to remove a rack from the list. Changes appear in the Racks list when you click Save or Delete above the form.