Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Publish 2D Enterprise Graphics

This command publishes as enterprise graphics all assets as well as the architectural background graphics for the current Revit level. Generate enterprise graphics in order to view your model in Web Central. For general information on enterprise graphics, see Publishing Drawings as Enterprise Graphics

The Publish 2D command iterates through the levels of the Revit model, publishing the elements found on each Revit level that has Archibus asset symbols associated with that level. To do this, the command publishes a separate enterprise graphics file for each type (for example, Jacques – Floor 1 -- rm.json.zlib, Jacques – Floor 1 -- eq.json.zlib, etc.).

Archibus uses the Level name in the "Drawing Name" field to relate Archibus assets and Revit levels. With this approach, Archibus can merge information from Revit models for new buildings in a consistent way with the information from the CAD-scanned drawings that you might have for existing buildings.

Note that the command:


You can either publish all levels at once, or first navigate to the specific level that you want to publish.

Note: When working in the Cloud environment, you must first set the EnableClouldPublishing value to 1 in the afm_activity_params table. Use the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task to make this change.

  1. Navigate to the Level that is to be published.
  2. Select an asset on the Level.
  3. From the Ribbon, select Archibus / Enterprise Graphics / Publish 2D and choose Current Level Only. Or, choose to publish all levels, in which case you can skip steps 1 and 2.
  4. If you first need to control the drawing publishing process, click Options to access the below Preferences form and set options. For information on the Preferences form, see Publish Enterprise Graphics Options.

See also