Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Distributing a Shared-Parameters File for Offline Editing

If you and your BIM Modelers always use the Archibus Extension for Revit to sign in to Archibus Web Central, then you never need to worry about distributing a shared-parameters file. The Archibus program itself maintains the standard GUIDs and mappings, and the Archibus program will create any parameters needed.

However, if you have architects or consultants who will edit the Revit model offline, then you should send them a shared-parameters file

To create a shared parameters file:

  1. Write the File. The Extension automatically writes a shared parameters file whenever you use the Extension. See Save Shared Parameters File Command.
  2. Email this File. Email the .txt file to the remote team’s BIM Manager.

To use this file, the BIM Modelers:

  1. Copy the File. Copy the shared parameter file to their local machine.
  2. Import the File. Use the Revit Manage / Settings /Shared Parameters dialog. Use the Browse button to load the file.

The data that the BIM Modelers enter for the shared parameters now will have the right names and GUIDs. When loaded with Archibus and cataloged, these parameter values will synch with the Archibus database with no further manipulation needed.


If you are creating Revit families that contain type parameters, import the shared-parameter file into the Revit family as well as into the Revit model so that the family file contains the correct GUID for the shared parameter. In this way, Revit will consider the shared parameter to be the same one across all family files and models.

This restriction doesn’t apply to Archibus mappings, however, which map Revit parameters to Archibus Fields based on the family name, family type, and parameter name. That is to say, your Revit schedule may not consider two same-named parameters to be the same value; however, Archibus will.

Often, furniture and equipment are defined in external family files. If you are going to use shared parameters and have consistent names and GUIDs, you need to import that same shared-parameters file when creating the family.