Archibus Smart Client Extension for Revit

Save Shared Parameters Action

When you open a model in Archibus, the Extension for Revit automatically writes a Revit shared parameters file (for example, //workgroupsvr/AIPROJECTS/hq/drawings/ai-revit-shared-parameters-en.txt). This file holds the parameters in the Archibus BIM Parameters table that are in use in that model. Revit users can use this shared parameters file to organize preferences for projects that are not yet connected to Archibus.

This action writes a separate shared-parameters file appropriate for each language with mappings in the Archibus BIM Parameters table (afm_bim_params). The command adds a different extension for each language (for example, EN for English, FR for French, DE for German, ES for Spanish, IT for Italian, NL for Dutch, ZH for Simplified Chinese).