Archibus Smart Client

Loading Grid Views you Recently Created

When you work with the Views tab to load tables and create new grid views, the Smart Client automatically displays each new grid view that you create (up to 8 views) in the Recent Views list at the top of Explorer pane. From the Recent View list, you can click on an entry to quickly reload the view with the settings you specified.

For example, when working on room information, you often switch back and forth between the Rooms, Departments, Room Categories, and Room Types tables. If you have used the Views tab to load each of these tables and made changes such as restrictions or field visibility, you can easily access the view from the Recent Views list without having to reload it and respecify the restriction and field visibility.

The Recent Views list holds up to eight grid views. If the list shows eight grid views and you create another new view, the list will delete the oldest view. If you want to save a view for longer term, use the Save to Favorites feature after loading the view.

Use the Clear button to clear this list.