What is Archibus?

Archibus SaaS Modules

When Archibus SaaS sites require more advanced facility management features than those that are offered with Archibus Foundations, they can purchase modules to sit on top of Foundations.

Archibus SaaS modules are packaging of Archibus applications; that is, they are a collection of views, workflow rules, parameters, metrics, and reports to accomplish a facility management goal. SaaS modules are located on the application level of the Navigator.

As described below, a SaaS module can:

Archibus SaaS Essentials Modules

Many users expanding from Foundations start with the Archibus SaaS Essential modules -- the set of original modules offered for Archibus SaaS deployments.

The Archibus SaaS Essential modules typically combine the most-used tasks and processes of multiple applications of the non-SaaS offering. For example, the Maintenance module streamlines the tasks of the Corrective Work application and the Preventive Maintenance application into one unified module. The Assets module is the exception: the SaaS and non-SaaS offerings present an identical set of tasks.

The Archibus Essentials modules are:

Additional Applications Available as SaaS Modules

SaaS deployments wishing to take advantage of additional functionality beyond the Essential Modules can access almost all Archibus business applications as SaaS modules. Signing in as sample user AFM-MOD shows a Navigator with functionality available for Archibus SaaS.

Note: Some of the Sustainability & Risk applications and Healthcare are not included on the Navigator for sample user AFM-MOD, although they are available for SaaS deployments.

For information on the SaaS modules, see the SaaS module discussion in these overview topics:

Applications or Features Not Available as SaaS Modules

A few of the less-frequently used Archibus non-SaaS applications and features are NOT offered in Archibus SaaS. These are:

Domain Non-SaaS Application Notes
Real Property Advanced Forecasting Not available in SaaS.
Real Property Forecasting Not available in SaaS.
Real Property US Federal Property Registry Not available in SaaS.
Assets Enterprise Assets

Saas deployments can use the Assets module.

Enterprise Assets offers the additional features of chain of custody and project management integration, which are not available in SaaS.

Assets Telecom Assets The functionality of Telecom Assets is covered by the Assets module.
Space Space Inventory Space Inventory functionality is found in the Space SaaS module. However, the Space SaaS module does not support the Workspace Transaction features
Space Space Chargeback Chargeback functionality is found in the Space SaaS module. However, the Space SaaS module does not support the Shared Workspace Chargeback methodology.

Comparing SaaS and Non-SasS Navigators

When you compare the Navigator in SaaS and Non-SaaS, note the following: