Getting Results with Archibus

Corrective Maintenance

On demand work -- any one-time, emergency, breakdown, or corrective work, such as fixing a roof leak, installing new equipment, or painting a ceiling -- is an important part of day-to-day operations. Issues need to be resolved in an expedient and cost-efficient manner without impacting production, inconveniencing staff, or compromising safety. The Corrective Maintenance application provides tools to automate all of an organization's on demand maintenance processes, from requesting maintenance, to approving, scheduling, issuing, and completing the work.

The Corrective Maintenance application uses Service Level Agreement (SLA) to define vendors, vendor obligations, service windows, routing, and workflow. Since workflows can be as simple or as complex as desired, the Corrective Maintenance application can be used by organizations that require a simple approval process with minimal data entry, or a complex approval process that requires different steps for dispatching requests, estimating costs, scheduling work, and issuing work orders.

Many personnel and external service providers can be involved in the life-cycle of a maintenance issue from request to resolution. With its role-based organization and tabbed forms, the Corrective Maintenance application enables its various users -- from requestors to workflow definers -- to log into the system and complete the forms appropriate for their role.

For example, the system can be configured so that any employee in the company can report maintenance issues by logging into their corporate intranet and completing a tabbed form. The issues employees encounter can range from problems that affect their productivity, such as an overheated room or flickering lights, to problems with serious safety implications, such as a ceiling leak or a malfunctioning elevator. Craftspersons can log into the system to check their assigned maintenance work, and then update the system as they resolve problems. Workflow definers and system integrators can use the tabbed forms to define the workflow and configure the system.

Corrective Maintenance

Archibus non-SaaS

  • Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance

Business Result

Effective control of complex, high-volume, and heavily out-sourced operations and maintenance teams.

Maintenance issues efficiently addressed to provide a safe and healthy working environment. 

Employee satisfaction with their working environment.

Analysis of  service provider performance.

Improved productivity and more effective use of operations staff.

Improved cost accounting and total cost of ownership accounting for facilities.

Increase efficiency in supporting the line business.

Faster turn-around of issues and clearer, centralized prioritization of requests.

Better management and accountability for vendors.

Lower administrative costs due to craftsperson self-service .

Used By

Internal staff 


Maintenance managers and supervisors

Call Centers

Business Process Owners

Service Desk managers

Internal managers

Internal and external service providers

Business managers

Reasons for Automating

To manage day-to-day reactive maintenance workload.

To provide a centralized interface for requesting maintenance and managing maintenance requests for an organization.

To standardize procedures for handling requests by defining workflows for different request types.

To automatically generate on demand work order instructions for craftspersons and contractors.

To schedule jobs according to the availability of tools, thereby avoiding situations in which two craftspersons need the same tool at the same time.

To prevent out-of-stock parts and potential downtime.

Management Reports

Summary Reports

Maintenance Report Builder

Maintenance Survey Report

Search Work Requests

Current Work and Planning Reports

Work Request Budgets and Costs

Work Request Schedules and Costs

Open Work Requests

Overdue Work Requests

Historical Work & Trends

Completed Work Request Budgets and Costs

Costs of Completed Work Requests

Building Costs by Area and Occupancy

Equipment Maintenance History

Work Team Performance

Labor Analysis

Historical Work Statistics

Archived Work Requests

Work Request Aging


Labor Analysis Dashboard

Cost Analysis Dashboard

Budget Analysis Dashboard

Operational Reports

Summary Reports

Maintenance Report Builder

Maintenance Survey Report

Search Work Requests

Current Information

Current Equipment, Labor, Parts Inventory, Tools

Equipment Parts

Equipment Warranties and Service Contracts

Current Work & Planning

Equipment Schedules

Trade and Craftsperson Workload

Trades and Craftsperson Availability

Reserved Parts

Physical Inventory Variance

Tools and Tool Types Availability

Status of Tools


Locations of Work Requests

Work Requests for Same Equipment or Location

Historical Work & Trends

Equipment Failure Analysis

Equipment Replacement Analysis

Trades Performance

Craftsperson Performance

Craftsperson Time Usage by Work Type

Craftsperson Time Usage by Date and Time

Parts Usage History

Tools Usage History

Historical Work Statistics

Archived Work Requests and Resources

Related Applications

Preventive Maintenance


Service Desk

Maintenance mobile app

Workplace Services Portal mobile app

Archibus Workplace

OnSite mobile app (requires Connect tool)

The following are typical users:



General Staff (Client)

Request maintenance services that they require for their workplace environment. If they have the Workplace Services Portal mobile app or Archibus Workplace they can report problems they encounter directly from their mobile device or smart phone.

Business Manager

Approve and reject service requests routed to them.


Review incoming requests and reject them, or assign a work team or supervisor to handle a request.

Maintenance Manager / Supervisor

Examine service requests, approve or reject, and assign to work requests.

Estimate labor, tools, parts and their costs needed to resolve a work request.

Schedule labor, tools, and parts for resolving a work request.

Issue work requests.

Update work requests with job details.

Close out and archive complete work requests.

Analyze performance.

Design maintenance checklists for inspections and task lists.

If this user has the Maintenance mobile app. they can perform many of these tasks from the field.


Receive their work assignment.

Complete maintenance checklists, and update the system with details about the progress and completion of the job.

If they have the Maintenance mobile app, they can do this over their mobile device or smart phone.

Call Center

This role is designed specifically for organizations that use the same set of people to interface with the system and perform tasks in all parts of the process. With this role, one person or one group can access tasks for all the different roles to follow the Corrective Maintenance application, without having to navigate through the various roles.

Inventory Manager

Ensure that tools and parts are available for maintenance projects.

Maintain an electronic inventory of tools use and their status: are the tools available? in use? broken?

Maintain an inventory of required parts, such as the quantity to have on hand, how many to typically order, the results from the last physical parts survey, where the parts are stored, the vendor from which to purchase them

Service Desk Manager

Define how the system routes and handles service requests by defining request types and service level agreements.

Review escalated service requests and interfere in the defined workflow as necessary.

Close completed service requests.

Archive closed service requests.

Business Process Owner

Enter lists of data from which users can choose when completing forms. For example, building locations, service contracts, and accounts.

System Integrator

Manage the options available to the Service Desk Manager for defining Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

See Also

Corrective Maintenance application overview

Comparing the Service Desk and Corrective Maintenance applications