Archibus SaaS / Assets
Assets / Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets
Real Property / Portfolio
Real Property / Leases

Adding Buildings

The Add Building form enables you to add comprehensive information for your buildings. It is used in several applications.

Accessing the Add Building form

You can access the Add Building task from the following locations:

Enterprise Assets:

Assets module; Enterprise Assets and Assets applications:

Procedure: Adding buildings

This topic highlights a few key fields that you can enter for building. For a descriptions of all the fields you can enter, see the topic Building Table: Field Reference.

To add information for a building:

  1. Access the Add Building form.
  2. General tab.
    1. Enter information, such as the following for the building.

      Building Name. Enter a descriptive name for the building.

      Building Code. Enter the unique identifier for the building.

      Status. Select from the following statuses for the building: Pipeline; Under Contract; Escrowed; In Service; Owned; Owned and Leased; Leased; Subleased; Sub Let; For Sale; Leased (Expired); Out of Service; Abandoned; Donated; ;Disposed; Sold; N/A; Unknown. See Status Definitions for a description of these statuses.

      Building Condition. Select the value that best describes the current condition of the building as New; Excellent; Good; Fair; Poor; or Bad. The condition of an asset is a key factor in optimization analysis.

      Criticality. This is a numeric field to document the importance of the building to your enterprise's mission. The value is entered as a whole number from 1 to 9 using whatever definition of these numbers you find useful. For example, you may want to provide a high rating for property that provides the location for your organization's core activities.

      Account Code. Select the to which expenses are billed for this building.

      Building Use. Select a description of how the building is used (for example, office space, mixed use, hotel).

      Ext. Gross Area. If you are not depicting your floor in a CAD drawing, you can manually enter the size of the floor in this field. The Space calculations will use the value that you enter. If you are developing this area in CAD drawings, the system will complete it with the size of the asset symbol.

      Int. Gross Area. If you are not depicting your floor in a CAD drawing, you can manually enter the size of the floor in this field. The Space calculations will use the value that you enter. If you are developing this area in CAD drawings, the system will complete it with the size of the asset symbol.

      Archibus uses the internal gross area as the basis to derive all floor area calculations; therefore, you must represent internal gross area in each of your floor drawings.

      For example, the system uses the Int. Gross Area to calculate the :

      Internal Gross Area - Total Area = Remaining Area

      Building Occupancy. Enter this value to include the current building occupancy for both the areas you are leasing and the areas you are occupying. This value is summed for the property, and is used in calculations; for example, it is used to calculate the Occupancy Rate shown in the Property Abstract report (Building details section), and to calculate the Vacancy Rate in the Global Portfolio Dashboard.

    2. Click Save.
  3. Location & Affiliation tab
    1. Enter information, such as:
    2. Geo Region / Country Code / Region Code / State Code / City Code
    3. Site Code. You can use the Site Code field to represent the campus on which a building is located.
    4. Address 1. Enter the complete street address; for example: 18 Tremont Street. The Address 1 field is used (along with the State Code and City Code) to place the building on the map when you run the geocode action.
    5. If you have a license for the Enterprise Assets application, the tab additionally displays options for adding an owner custodian and other custodians. For information, on custodians, see Chain of Custody (Concept).
    6. Click Save.
  4. Location & Affiliation tab: Geocode the building so that you can view it on the map.

    1. Click Geocode.
    2. The application calculates the latitude and longitude using the address information you entered.
    3. Locate on map. Geocoding processes are often approximate. They compute coordinates by interpolating street addresses along lengths of road which might not be the location you want to specify. Additionally, some addresses return no valid results at all, not even acceptable approximations. For these reasons, as an alternative to geocoding, you might want to override and refine the geocoded results by clicking on the map to locate the object. If you want to refine the position of the property on the map, click Locate on Map. See Locate on Map.
  1. Owner tab: Enter the ownership transaction for the property:
    1. Click the plus sign
    2. The Ownership Transaction form appears.
    3. Enter the following :

      Purchase Price / Date Purchased.

      Selling Price / Date Sold

      Transaction Status. Select the ownership transaction as Pipeline; Under Contract; Escrowed; In Service; Owned; Owned and Leased; Leased; Subleased; Sub Let; For Sale; Leased (Expired); Out of Service; Abandoned; Donated; Disposed; Sold; N/A; Unknown. See transaction definitions for a description of these statuses.

      Description / Comments: Enter additional notes about this transaction.

    4. Click Save.

      The application generates the Latest Transaction Ownership ID to document this record.

  1. Costs tab:
    1. Enter the Cost per Area. Enter the cost of 1 square meter or 1 square foot of the building (depending on the area measurement standard you are using). Typically, an accountant in your organization will determine the cost of one square foot of area and provide you with this figure. The Cost Per Area is used to calculate the Cost Per Employee benchmark shown in the Building Abstract report.
    2. Enter the Value - Book / Date Book Value Assessed. Enter the price actually paid for the building. Used for depreciation and tax reporting.
    3. Enter the Value - Market / Date Market Value Assessed. The likely resale price if the building is sold. Typically reassessed every three years to ensure that the portfolio is up-to-date in its governance of capital invested in the building or property.
    4. Click Save.
  2. Documents tab:
    1. Use the document management system to select a Building Photo. This document field stores an image of the building, so that it is included in reports, such as the Leases and Suites by Buildings or Leases by Structures / Land reports (Portfolio application), or the Building / Structure / Land/ or Lease Details reports (Leases application.).
    2.   Enter the image file names (with extension) for the Building Graphic.

      Where is this used?

    3. Click Save.
  1. Contacts tab.
    1. Enter the Building Contact and the Contact Phone for this building.
    2. To enter contacts stored in the Contacts table:
    3. Click Assign in the Assigned Contacts section.

      The Available Contacts form appears.

    4. Select the checkboxes for one or more contacts.
    5. Click Save Selected.
    6. Click Save on the Contacts tab.