Archibus SaaS / Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets
Assets / Assets
Asset Disposal Console: Overview
The Asset Disposal Console guides you through the process of evaluating whether and how to dispose of assets, marking assets for disposal, and updating your inventory when you do dispose of an asset. You can review historical activities for an asset, such as completed , closed or archived work requests, to help you evaluate the asset, and can assign assets to a disposal process.
You can access the console's tabs in any order so you can easily work with assets in each stage of the process. However, when getting started, you must first mark some assets for disposal or evaluation in order to work with these assets from the appropriate tabs.
You can edit equipment information from the Asset Registry pane on any of the tabs by clicking on the equipment item in the grid. From the Update Inventory tab, you use the Edit button to access the edit form. See Adding Equipment for a description of the data you can edit.
For information on the Reports accessed from the Reports button, see Reports for Enterprise Assets and Assets.
The Asset Disposal Console guides you through the steps of evaluating assets for disposal.
- Analyze assets for disposal opportunities. In this step, you determine if the asset or group of assets should remain in the active inventory, be evaluated for disposal or disposed of. Typically, you mark assets for evaluation when you do not have the authority or the information to make the decision. For example, if a piece of equipment is leased and the lease is at the end of its term, a decision needs to be made that will most likely involve the person using the asset. If there is a buyout provision for the lease, the asset owner may or may not want to keep the asset. The asset manager would mark the asset for evaluation, and then contact the asset owner to determine if the asset should be disposed of or kept. This decision might take some time to accomplish.
- Evaluate whether and how to dispose of the asset. As the asset manager, you work through the list of assets that are marked for evaluation, and then either place these assets back in inventory by changing the pending status to NA, or marking the pending action for disposal.
Manage asset disposal. You then work from the Manage Asset Disposal tab, and either update the inventory to indicate that the asset is disposed of, or assign the asset to a process for disposal. For example, if the asset has hazardous material in it, then the asset manager would assign it to a waste out disposition task. The manager then uses the update inventory tab to monitor the processes until they are completed, and then updates the inventory record with the disposal information.
- Update inventories.You monitor assets that are assigned to a disposal process from the Update Inventory tab. When the process is completed, you update the inventory record with the disposal information. See Manage asset disposal for a description of how the update action works.
- Generate a PowerPoint presentation based on project data. See Creating Power Point Presentation.
- Generate reports . From the Reports button, you can access informational and analysis reports for property, buildings, equipment, furniture, and projects. The project reports are available for projects of all statuses. For some of these reports, such as View and Edit Equipment Information, you are able to add and edit data, as well as review. See Reports for the Enterprise Assets and Assets Applications.
- Review equipment systems. The Asset Disposal Console includes the Asset Relationship Analysis tab (which is also found on the Equipment Systems Console). Use this tab to track your assets and their interdependencies, so that you can evaluate the effects that one asset has on another, such as during renovations, moves, or maintenance. You can see the equipment on a floor plan or 3D Navigator to review the spaces served by the equipment, and to trace its dependencies. You can also review the support team that services this equipment.