Archibus Web Central

Home Pages

For the various roles and users in an organization, an Archibus administrator can design home pages that offer information focused for this type of user. Home pages list important metrics, statistics, and alerts so that you can quickly determine the state of your issues and critical issues. Home pages display in the workspace area to the right of the sidebar navigation panel.

When you sign in to Archibus, Archibus loads the appropriate home page based on your account. For example, if you are an energy manager your account might present the Energy Manager home page. Below is the default home page for the Modules Manager (AFM-MOD).

Loading Home Pages

Clicking "Home" in the sidebar navigation panel accesses your default home page.

Typically, you will be assigned just one home page. However, if you are signed in with a role that has multiple home pages, you can toggle between the pages using the Home Page menu, accessed from the Select Home Page icon, below. For example, the sample AFM-MOD user is assigned multiple home pages, and their Home Page menu appears as below. Note that the menu underlines the home page that is currently loaded.

Home Page Content

The default home pages focus on metrics, alerts, maps, and so on. You can click on a metric to drill into the composing data. See Tracking Metrics.

Although the default home pages focus on metrics, it is possible to add tasks to a home page so that users can access tasks from the home page rather than from the sidebar navigation panel. If you sign in as AFM-MOD, you will see that the Leases home page is an example of a home page that presents tasks.

Customizing and Creating your own Home Pages

You may want to change the provided home pages or create your own home pages. For example, you may want to add frequently-used tasks or URLs to a home page, or add a different set of metrics.

For information, see the following topics in System Management Help:

The Applications Home Page

Depending on your role, you may have access to the Applications home page, from which you can access any of your assigned processes or tasks. Each panel presents the applications of an Archibus domain. If you are familiar with the Navigator, you will find that the Applications page follows a similar format of organizing applications by domain, and within each application, grouping tasks by process or role.

Click on an application, such as Portfolio (located in the Real Property domain in the top left corner), and you receive panels holding the processes and roles of the Portfolio application. From the processes and roles, you can drill down to tasks.

Access the Applications home page from the Home Page menu. The below image shows the Application home page for the non-SaaS offering; Archibus SaaS had a similar home page listing the modules.

Home Page Usage Notes