Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Desk Manager
Space / Occupancy / Service Desk Manager (transaction method)
Space / Space Inventory / Service Desk Manager (transaction method)

Closing and Archiving Service Requests

After a service request has been completed, the Service Desk Manager can close out and archive the service request.

Archiving a service request moves it out of your list of service requests, as it moves from the Activity Log Items table to the Historical Activity Log Items table.

Closing a Service Request

Choose the Service Desk Manager / Close-Archive Service Requests task, and the system presents all Completed, Canceled, and Stopped requests. From here, you can review the details of a request.

Select one request or a set of requests, and choose the Close Selected button. The status changes to Closed.

Archiving a Service Request

Run the Service Desk Manager / Close-Archive Service Requests task.

For service requests that are closed out, you can archive them by selecting the requests and choosing the Archive Selected button.

When the service request or work request gets closed out and archived (moved to the Historical Action Items Table or the Historical Work Requests), the system also moves the corresponding records from Service Desk Steps Log (helpdesk_step_log) to the archive table Service Desk Steps Log ( (hhelpdesk_step_log).

Archiving and Service Request Status

If a service request is rejected, the corresponding record is immediately archived. The status remains "Rejected" in the Historical Activity Log Items table.

If a Service Request is canceled, and then subsequently archived, the status remains "Canceled" in the archive table. Any costs associated with the request are not included in the archive cost reports.

Automatically Closing and Archiving Service Requests

You can set the Auto_Archive and AutoCloseServiceRequests application parameters to auto-archive or auto-close completed service requests. You can also set the number of days after completing that the system auto-archives the service requests. See Setting the Behavior for Service Desk and Corrective Maintenance (Application Parameters).