Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio
Real Property / Portfolio / Portfolio Summary
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio
Real Property / Costs / Background Data

Enter Parcels (Portfolio Edit Wizard)

Property managers and their staff must record and calculate taxes accurately to ensure compliance and avoid significant penalties. Tax authorities calculate and collect property taxes by land parcel. For this reason, Property Managers must first record information for specific parcels that are part of a land property before cost administrators can assign tax costs to those parcels.

From the Parcels tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard, you can add parcels to properties.

Access the Parcels Pane

Access the Parcels pane from:

Entering Parcel Information

Each land property may be comprised of one or more parcels, so you can add multiple parcels to a property.

To add a parcel:

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Parcels pane for the property for which you are adding parcel information.

    The Add / Edit Parcels pane clears so you can enter information for a new parcel.

  1. Enter the following information:
    Property CodeWhen working from the Manage Parcels task, select the property for which you are adding the parcel. When adding a parcel from the Add /Edit Wizard, you have already selected the property, so this field is not shown.
    Parcel CodeA unique identifier for the parcel.
    Parcel NameA short descriptive name for the parcel to help you identify it in lists, such as Headquarters One.
    BlockEnter the block number for this parcel.
    LotEnter the lot number for this parcel.
    LocationDescribe the location for this parcel that distinguishes it from other parcels for the property. For example, enter Front to distinguish a front parcel from a back parcel.
    Parcel DescriptionProvide any additional information for the parcel
    Latitude / LongitudeCurrently not used
    Parcel ImageYou can take a snapshot of the parcel, and upload the image. You must first save the parcel record before the Check in New Document arrow is available in this field
    Map URLIf you want to link to a public map that shows the parcel, enter the permalink to the online public GIS map. See Viewing Parcels on a Map for details
  2. Click Save.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

Click Continue to go to the Documents tab to associate documents with the land.

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Portfolio Edit Wizard Overview