Real Property / Costs / Background Data

Managing Property Parcels

Property managers and their staff must record and calculate taxes accurately to ensure compliance and avoid significant penalties. Tax authorities calculate and collect property taxes by land parcel. For this reason, as the property manager, you must first record information for specific parcels that are part of a land property before you can assign tax costs to those parcels from the Cost Wizard..

From the Manage Parcels task, you can:

Alternately, you can also add parcels to a land property using the Add / Edit wizard. See Enter Parcel Information

The Manage Parcels task shows a list of parcels that have already been defined. To review data for a parcel, you can search by location or by Property or Parcel Code to locate specific parcels. You can export the data in the Parcels pane to Excel by clicking XLS.

Viewing parcels on a map or uploading an image

You can enter the URL to a public map showing your parcel, so that you can view the parcel from the Manage Parcel task, and from the Parcel tab of the Portfolio Edit Wizard.

Public authorities around the USA offer a large spectrum of online GIS maps showing parcels. For example, the City of Boston offers an online GIS tool to identify parcels and generate permalinks to the map. Permanlinks are a common feature of dynamic, database-driven websites that routinely update and publish new content and media. Permalinks work by providing an alternate, but permanent, Web address for content.

You can navigate to the public map showing their parcel and generate the permalink URL. Then, in Archibus, you add the URL to the parcel definition.

Note: Since, the URL to the GIS Map will have a lot of characters (such as. 500+), the URL may be shortened before saving it in Archibus. Any URL may be shortened using an online service, such as Tiny URL.

You can also take snapshots of your parcels and attach the image as a document after saving the parcel record.

Entering Parcel Information

After the portfolio manager adds the land property, you, as the Business Process Owner for the Costs application, can add or edit the land's parcels. This enables cost administrators to record, track, and manage taxes for these parcels.

To add a parcel:

  1. From the Costs / Background Data / Manage Parcels task, click Add in the Parcels pane.
    The Add / Edit Parcels form appears.
  1. Enter the following information:
    Property CodeWhen working from the Manage Parcels task, select the property for which you are adding the parcel. When adding a parcel from the Add /Edit Wizard, you have already selected the property, so this field is not shown.
    Parcel CodeA unique identifier for the parcel.
    Parcel NameA short descriptive name for the parcel to help you identify it in lists, such as Headquarters One.
    BlockEnter the block number for this parcel.
    LotEnter the lot number for this parcel.
    LocationDescribe the location for this parcel that distinguishes it from other parcels for the property. For example, enter Front to distinguish a front parcel from a back parcel.
    Parcel DescriptionProvide any additional information for the parcel
    Latitude / LongitudeCurrently not used
    Parcel ImageYou can take a snapshot of the parcel, and upload the image. You must first save the parcel record before the Check in New Document arrow is available in this field
    Map URLIf you want to link to a public map that shows the parcel, enter the permalink to the online public GIS map. See Viewing Parcels on a Map for details
  2. Click Save.

See Also

Defining Action Types for Taxes

Configuring Additional Action Types for Property Taxes

View Tax Costs Report

Working with Tax Costs (Costs Application)