Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Portfolio Edit Wizard
Real Property / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Lease Portfolio Console

Enter Lease Options

From the Options panel you can add information for lease right-of-use options -- legal time-sensitive options that you can exercise on a lease, such as the right of first refusal to buy the property or the right to rent space that becomes vacant.

Option data that you enter is available from the following tasks:

From the Lease Portfolio Console and the Lease Portfolio Dashboard, you can receive alerts or email notifications when options are about to expire. Lease option data is also included on the Lease Abstract report.

You can associate a document with the option; for example, the file for the page of the lease that describes this option.

Access the Options Form

You enter options using:

Before entering options using these tasks, you select the lease for which you are entering the option. See Portfolio Edit Form - Complete and Portfolio Edit Wizard Overview

Note: The Options tab is not available from the Portfolio application's Portfolio Edit Wizard.


To enter option information:

  1. Click Add New at the top of the Options panel.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    Option Code Enter a code to uniquely identify this option for a particular lease. This field, along with the Lease Code, forms the primary key of a Lease Option record.
    Description Enter or select a short description of the lease option, such as "Expansion to fifth floor."
    Option Type

    Select a value from the drop-down list, such as N/A, CONTRACTION, EXPANSION, OPTION TO BUY, or RENEWAL.

    Date IssuedIndicates when the option was issued.
    Option Dates Match Lease?Select Yes if the option start date is the same as the lease start date. You do not need to enter the Date Option Available and the Date Option Expires if you select Yes.
    Date Option Available

    Date Option Expires

    If you selected No for the Option Dates Match Lease? field, you can enter the date the option starts and expires here.

    Who Can Exercise?Select whether the landlord, the tenant, or both can exercise the option.
    Date Exercising ApplicableDate that the option is effective.
    Date Exercised-The date the option was exercised.
    Exercised ByThe user who exercised the option.
    Date to Review

    Enter the date that the lease option should be reviewed, typically a date two to three months prior to the option date. This date is shown on the Lease Option Details pop-up window accessed from the Alerts section of the Lease Portfolio Dashboard.

    CommentsEnter longer notes or a description of the option.
    Is Reasonably Certain?
    Date Renewal Notice SignedThe date the option was exercised.
    Cost - EstimatedEnter the estimated cost of exercising this option. You can track the actual cost with a Scheduled Cost record.
    Area InvolvedEnter the area involved in the option. For example, if you have an option to take over 3000 square feet, enter 3000.
    DocumentUse the document management system to associate a document with the option. You can check in a document once you save the option.

    See Using the Document Management System.

    CommentsEnter any comments about this particular option.
  3. Click Save.

Next Steps from the Portfolio Edit Wizard

If you are working from the Portfolio Edit Wizard, do one of the following: after working on the Options tab:

Action Description Help Topic
Continue From the Options tab, click Continue to enter amendments. You can click Continue from any tab to move to the next tab

Enter Amendments

Finish Click Finish if you have completed your entries. This returns you to the Action and Type step from which you can make new selections to work with another portfolio item.
  • Portfolio Edit Wizard Overview
  • Back Click Back to return to the Clauses tab.
  • Enter Clauses
  • Back to

    Overview of Tasks for Editing Leases and Portfolio Items