Archibus SaaS / Maintenance
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Supervisor

Concept: Part Status for Work Request Estimations

When supervisors and craftspersons enter part estimates for work requests, the system compares the Quantity Estimated to the Quantity Available to ensure that there are enough parts available for the estimate.

To ensure that the parts inventory continues to be accurate as changes occur, the system assigns part estimates a Part Status that is re-evaluated whenever the Quantity Available changes. This keeps the inventory accurate when new inventory is added, existing estimates are changed or canceled, or work requests are closed and the actual parts used differ from the number of parts that were estimated for the job.

The Part Status is also used to alert you to inventory that is now available for assignment to work orders that have estimates that do not yet have reserved parts. These are the 'In Stock, Not Reserved' estimates for which the Supervisor receives alerts on the Home Page. See Alerts based on Part Status.

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