Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Define Repair Types

Repair types describe broad categories for the resolution of work. You can define repair types, associate them with work requests when updating the request, and then generate reports that summarize your work by its repair type. Defining repair types also standardizes the way repair types are entered.


You can define common resolutions to problems, such as cleaning, replacing, and moving, so that you can enter these repair types when updating work.

You could even enter repair types such as:

You can define any broad type of repair that you want to track for your work.


To define repair types:

  1. Select the Define Repair Types task.

    The Define Repair Types form appears. The left pane lists any repair types already defined.

  2. Click Add New at the top of the Repair Types list.
  3. In the Repair Types pane, enter the following:

    Repair Type Code. The unique identifier for the repair. For example, enter TC-Configured for a telecommunication repair that involved configuring software.

    Repair Type Description. Enter a fuller description of the repair. For example, for the TC-Configuration repair type, you could enter "Set up and configured software correctly" as the description.

  4. Click Save.

Next Steps

After defining repair types, you can enter the repair type for a work request when you update it. See How to Update Work Requests.

You can then generate the Archived Work Requests by Repair Type report to assess which types of repairs are most numerous. See Updating Additional Information.