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Workplace Services / Service Desk / System Integrator / Define Service Desk Roles

Service Desk Role Helper: Define a Service Desk Role

This topic describes how to use the Service Desk Role Helper to define a new or edit an existing Service Desk Role.

Note: You can also define service desk roles using Java. See Manage Service Desk Roles task.

From the Define Service Desk Roles task, choose Add New in the Service Desk Role Helper pane; the task loads the Edit Role form in the right pane.

Completing the Edit Role Pane

To use the helper to create a new role, you complete the following options in the Edit Role pane:

Option Description  
Role Name This is the name that will be seen when the Service Desk Role is selected in the SLA view.  It should be descriptive enough to tell the SLA manager what they are  
Default Employee

If no employees meet the criteria set for a Service Desk Role when it is resolved during request processing, then the step is not created properly and the request can get “lost” in a state where it cannot be continued.  Because of this, Service Desk Roles require that a default employee be defined.  If no employee matches the criteria for the Service Desk Role, this employee will be used for the step. 

Step Types

The step types determine which types of steps in the SLA form will show this role as an option.  This is important for a few reasons. 

  • You may not want particular roles to be available for certain steps.  For instance, you might not want to see a “requestor” role as an available option for an Approval step.
  • Certain criteria may not be available until later in the request processing.  For instance, the supervisor field in the request is not filled in when a request is still at the “Edit and Approve” step, so a Role that refers to the Supervisor field value should not be set up for this step.
  • The request to which a Role compares its criteria is either a Service Request (activity_log table) or a Work Request (wr table).  If you refer to values that are only saved in one or the other of these records, then the Role should only be set up for steps that refer to that type of request. 

Check the step types for this role.

When you are defining a role, be aware of the statuses in the request processing cycle for which the role will be used. At least one step type must be selected in order to save a new service desk role.  If you uncheck all steps and save, the system completely deletes the service desk role.

Select how you will define this role

You can choose from three methods:

  • Use single employee fields from request record
  • Use criteria base on request record and employee value
  • Use custom SQL clause

For details on each method, see Methods for Defining a Service Desk Role using the Helper.

  1. Once you complete all options, save the form.
  2. Use the Refresh button, and the view lists the new service desk role in the Service Desk Role Helper pane (the bottom left pane).
  3. You can now test your service desk role.