Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Results of Running the Outbound Master Connector

When you export asset data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS, the outbound master connector creates auxiliary information in BUILDER™ SMS. BUILDER™ SMS uses the information to display the asset hierarchy, but the hierarchy is not necessarily transparent in the BUILDER™ SMS user Interface.

The outbound master connector undertakes several actions when it exports asset data to BUILDER™ SMS.

Assigns newly transferred organizations and sites to BUILDER™ SMS, with these default security roles:

The outbound master connector does not associate users to organizational roles. BUILDER™ SMS administrators set up user rights, and associate users to organizational roles.

Creates one unassigned complex for every new site.

For each new site sent from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS, outbound connectors create a complex named Unassigned in the BUILDER™ SMS organization table. The new site is the organizational parent of the unassigned complex. This complex is not displayed in the BUILDER™ SMS user interface, but BUILDER™ SMS APIs use it to display the asset hierarchy tree without errors. The unassigned complex links the new site to the appropriate building in the background. This mechanism works only for new sites, when you export them to BUILDER™ SMS for the first time.

Populates these default values in the BUILDER™ SMS database only for new organizations and sites:

You can change these value later in BUILDER™ SMS forms. If you modify these values in BUILDER™ SMS, running the outbound master connector again does not change them.

For new sites only, sets HVAC Zone value to 8, the generally accepted value for the United States.

The HVAC Zone value depends on the site campus location. BUILDER™ SMS uses locations - campuses in Archibus - that are U. S. based only. Correspondence between the HVAC Zones and locations exists only in BUILDER™ SMS, however, not in Archibus. Thus by default, Archibus uses the generally accepted value for the United States for new sites. You can change this value after export, in the BUILDER™ SMS sites form. For sites previously exported from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS, outbound connectors do not alter the HVAC Zone value.

Note: Running the outbound master connector again does not alter any values you may have modified in BUILDER™ SMS.

Populates the BUILDER™ SMS Organization_Buildings table and Organization_Facilities table.

Creates initial inspections and sample data records for each new section.

See also

Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables

Master Connectors

Asset Inventory Exchange Process