Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Asset Inventory Exchange Process

Asset inventory exchange process synchronizes and reconciles data in Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS. Steps in the exchange process depend on whether Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS is the system of record:

Note: For both exchange processes, use the master connector SMS_BackgroundData_from_BUILDER to update Archibus asset classifications with BUILDER™ SMS asset classifications, before you transfer asset data. For more information about asset classifications and other background data, see Data Transfer Cases.

Flow charts below illustrate both data exchange processes:

Outbound Data Transfer Inbound Data Transfer

System of record stores the most current asset data. Asset managers first define or register new assets – such as new sites, new buildings, or new pieces of equipment – in the system of record. They also update data for existing assets, including condition assessments, in this system. The target system serves as a platform to analyze, compile, and report asset data. The target system receives data from the system of record during the reconciliation process.

BUILDER™ SMS always serves as the system of record for asset classification. BUILDER™ SMS Hierarchy, BUILDER™ SMS Classification Example, and Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables contain more information about BUILDER™ SMS's classification hierarchy.

Government agencies currently use UNIFORMAT II categories for asset management. Therefore managers must keep Archibus categories in line with the latest UNIFORMAT II information maintained in BUILDER™ SMS. Whether the system of reference for asset data is Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS, update Archibus categories with UNIFORMAT II categories stored in BUILDER™ SMS before you transfer asset data.

For reference, a high-level list of background data stored in BUILDER™ SMS follows:

Three Master Connectors transfer classification and asset data for all these levels, whichever platform serves as the system of record.

See also

BUILDER™ SMS Hierarchy

Comparing Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS Tables

BUILDER™ SMS Classification Example

Use Cases for BUILDER™ SMS and Archibus

Master Connectors

Data Transfer Cases