Archibus Extensions for BUILDERTM SMS

Use Cases for BUILDER™ SMS and Archibus

Two situations can create an organizational requirement to transfer data between BUILDER™ SMS and Archibus:

Organizations use Archibus as their source of asset inventory

Some US DoD organizations already use Archibus to manage their asset inventory. Some manage only space data such as sites and buildings; others manage equipment data as well. US DoD requests subsidiary organizations use BUILDER™ SMS to track and report their asset inventory, including organizations, sites, buildings, complexes, building systems, components and sections (equipment).

These organizations have already built, in Archibus, a trusted source of assets inventory for sites, buildings, and equipment. They have also implemented processes to update data in Archibus, based on field assessments. Staff are proficient with Archibus, and are aware of the platform's assessment, reporting, analysis and forecasting capabilities. As a consequence, Archibus will be the platform they prefer to record, update, assess, and manage assets.

Since BUILDER™ SMS has become the official source to report assets, the organizations need to respond positively to the new reporting and audit requirements.That means they must readily transfer existing asset data - sites, buildings, and equipment - to BUILDER™ SMS, along with updated records in the future.

Some US DoD organizations currently use Archibus only to track their organizations, sites, and buildings. Others use Archibus to manage their equipment as well.

US DoD organizations use Archibus to manage all their space, but not their equipment assets

Organizations that manage only space data in Archibus must transfer their as-is portfolio of sites and buildings to BUILDER™ SMS, as well as any future updates. Further, BUILDER™ SMS supports also other asset items, such as sections, which correspond to pieces of equipment in Archibus.

To comply with US DoD requirements, these organizations must begin to manage sections in BUILDER™ SMS. If they choose to take advantage of the features of the Enterprise Assets application, they must synchronize not only sites and buildings, but also equipment data between the two platforms.

In this scenario, Archibus is the reference or source system, which requires transfer of data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS. Because both Archibus and BUILDER™ SMS can record field assessments, however, data exchange between the two asset inventory systems must be bidirectional. In that case, asset managers can select the source of reference: Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS. If Archibus is the source system for space data, for example, asset managers send space data from Archibus to BUILDER™ SMS.

US DoD organizations use Archibus to manage their space and equipment assets

Organizations that already use Archibus to manage sites, buildings, and equipment need to transfer their as-is asset portfolio to BUILDER™ SMS. The portfolio includes equipment, as well as buildings and sites. Because Archibus serves as the reference repository for asset data, asset managers must transfer to BUILDER™ SMS data for additions to asset portfolios.

US DoD organizations use BUILDER™ SMS as the source of record for their assets, but they want to do more with their data than BUILDER™ SMS can offer

Some US DoD organizations already use BUILDER™ SMS, but have not implemented Archibus or other third party asset management systems. BUILDER™ SMS meets the organization's need to maintain inventory of building systems, and to maintain current condition assessments. It is oriented toward sections (equipment), a hierarchical roll-up of buildings systems, and condition assessments for equipment and systems. As customers build their assets portfolio, they encounter the following needs related to their inventory:

Organizations that want to extend their enterprise asset management capabilities may decide to integrate BUILDER™ SMS with Archibus. Such organizations need to synchronize their asset inventory between the two software systems. For an initial period, BUILDER™ SMS serves as the reference or source system, so transfer of data occurs from BUILDER™ SMS to Archibus. Over time, customers may decide to rely on multiple channels of assessment in Archibus, and switch to Archibus as their primary platform to manage assets. Thus data exchange processes must be bidirectional. Asset managers choose the source of reference: Archibus or BUILDER™ SMS.

Note: US Department of Defense maintains its own categories for building systems, components, and sections. These categories mix the department's own codes with UNIFORMAT II codes.

See also

Capabilities Overview

Process Overview