Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis

Explore the Financial Analysis Console

Once you have established the data for the unified cost model by calculating costs using the Aggregate and Forecast Costs actions, you can use the Financial Analysis Console features to get a top-down analysis of your enterprise's costs. The console can present pre-defined analyses, or your own personalized analyses. Analyses define the locations, assets, and analysis metrics that are shown when that analysis is selected.

Once the top-level analysis has found the specific building or asset that needs inspection, you can use the links to other applications to examine these outliers. See Furthering your Analysis Using Other Archibus Applications.

The Financial Analysis Console presents its data in three panels:

Selections you make in one panel affect the data shown in the others, enabling you to flexibly examine data for specific assets and locations.

This topic describes the analyses you can make by filtering the map and selecting different types of analyses, maps, and scorecards.

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