Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis (SC) - Smart Client

Define Financial Analyses and the Analysis Fields

Add-In managers can set up the different analyses that analysts can select from when working in the Financial Analysis Console. These analyses are available in the Analysis drop-down list at the top of the console on the upper right.

There are two tasks that add-in managers can use to define the financial analyses and the fields for the analyses.

These tasks are accessed from the Smart Client's Navigator:

Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis (SC) /

You can use these grid views, or work directly in the table (using the Smart Client's Views tab) to define these settings.

Define Financial Analyses

The Financial Analyses (finanal_analyses) table holds the list of analyses that the Financial Analysis console can display. An analysis has a super group that defines the locations it includes, and the name of the map (if applicable) that displays by default when the analysis is selected. You create super groups using the Define Analysis Location Groups task.

The application ships with several analyses, but you are able to define your own analyses using the Define Financial Analyses and Define Analysis Fields task

The add-in manager can create different personalized analyses that focus on:

This table also sorts the default analysis that the console loads out-of-the-box, providing the details of how those analyses are defined.

Define Financial Analyses Fields

Add-in managers use the Financial Analyses - Fields ((finanal_analyses_flds)) table to establish the analysis values that are displayed in each panel except for the Capital and Expense Matrix that is defined in its own table. The application displays these analysis values when the user loads a specific financial analyses. Add-in managers edit this table using the Smart Client's Add-In Manager task: Define Financial Analysis Fields.

This table holds the list of default fields, that is, the analysis values, that the application shows when each of these controls is loaded:

The list of fields for each of the controls can change with each separate analysis displayed in the console. See Financial Analysis Console. The Select Metrics dialog allows the user to change the list for the current analysis.