System / SaaS Administrator
System / Mobile Apps Manager

Managing Pending Mobile Occupancy Surveys

Using the Pending Mobile Occupancy Surveys task, the Mobile Apps Managers can review any mobile occupancy surveys that are still pending in the Survey Sync (surveymob_sync) table, and delete those surveys that are obsolete along with associated data from the following child sync tables:

Only surveys of Survey Type = ‘Occupancy’ are accessible through this view.

Deleting one of the surveys from the Survey Sync table automatically cascades to delete all records with the associated Survey Code (survey_id) from the three tables listed above.

Procedure: Reviewing and deleting mobile occupancy surveys

To delete pending mobile occupancy surveys:

  1. In Web Central, select Pending Mobile Occupancy Surveys, available at one of the above paths.

    The Pending Occupancy Surveys-Survey Sync Table form appears.

  2. Set a date range or select the employee performing the assessment in the Filter console and click Show.

    The surveys meeting your criteria appear in the Pending Occupancy Surveys-Survey Sync Table list.

  3. Tap on a survey record to display the child records for the survey. The child records are from the three sync tables (workplace transactions, employees, and room surveys), and are shown in the tabs below the lists of surveys.
  4. To delete a survey, click Delete in its row.
  5. A message informs you that deleting the survey deletes all the child records.
  6. To proceed with the deletion, click Yes
  7. This action deletes the survey record from the surveymob_sync table, and all the records from the tables rmpct_mob_sync, em_sync, and surveyrm_sync that have the same survey_id as the selected one.