Real Property / Leases / Background Data

Leases: Background Data

Define the background data required for working with the Leases application using the Real Property / Leases / Background Data process.

The process includes these tasks:

Task Description Help Topic

Define Geographic Locations

Define Properties

Define Locations

Define Counties

Basic lease information

Define Geographic Locations

Define Properties

Define Locations

Define Counties

Select Lease Area Method

Select the method (group, room, or suite) that you are using for depicting leased areas in floor plans.

The Lease Area Method is used:

  • in reports that summarize data and calculate lease benchmarks that depend on measured lease areas. See Lease Measured Areas and Lease Benchmarks.
  • for chargeback if you are using cost categories that have chargeback definitions that depend on measured areas.

Select Lease Area Method

Define Facility Types By designating the facility types for your suites, you are able to group key performance indicator charts by the way the building is used. For example, you can generate a chart for a building showing its total estimated suite area for manufacturing areas and for office areas. Defining Facility Types
Define Accounts
  • If you want to charge costs to accounts, you can define the accounts from which users select when adding recurring costs.
  • Define Accounts
    Define Companies
  • You define information for the companies you add as contacts for buildings or leases. You can also associate these companies with accounts. The information you enter is automatically filled in when users select the company as a contact.
  • Define Companies
    Define Employees You can add or update staff or contractor information. The employees you add are available in the selection list for the Exercised By field when Lease Administrators add options or amendments from the Options or Amendments tabs. Define Employees
    Define Contacts
  • Use this table to store information about the parties with whom personnel at your site interact, such as regulatory agencies, tenants, contractors, and so on.
  • Define Contacts
    Define Cost Categories
  • Enter cost categories used to summarize costs for reporting (such as the Recurring Costs by Month report), and for calculating chargeback.
  • Define Cost Categories
    Define Responsibility Categories
  • Enter clause codes that users can select to describe the type of clause they are entering.
  • Define Responsibility Categories
  • Define Amenity Types
  • When you define amenity types, Lease Administrators and Portfolio Managers can then use the Add Amenities tasks to add these amenities to properties, buildings, or leases, so that they can track and manage specific amenities.
  • Defining Amenity Types
    Communication Types Define the Communications Types that Lease Administrators can associate with communication log items. For example: memo, report, approval. Define Communication Types
    Define Alerts Define how and when alerts for option and lease due dates are issued to Lease Administrators and Portfolio Managers. Manage Alerts
    Define Lease Templates
  • To facilitate and reduce lease data entry, you can define lease templates. Lease templates include frequently entered information that is automatically added when adding new leases using the template.
  • Defining Lease Templates.
  • Define Fiscal Year

    This task enables you to enter the fiscal year start date for the financial calculations used in reports.

  • Defining Fiscal Year
  • Define Lease Highlight Patterns When Lease Administrators view the Highlight Suites by Lease report, the drawing highlights suites according to the lease the suite is associated with. The patterns that these queries use to highlight asset symbols by owner depend on the values you set for the Leases table’s AutoCAD highlight pattern fields. Use the Define Lease Highlight Patterns task to define the highlight pattern used for specific lease records. Defining Highlight and Hatch Patterns