Archibus SaaS / Leases / Background Data - Leases
Real Property / Leases / Background Data

Define Alerts

You can set up alerts for notifications of upcoming lease and option due dates. Lease and Portfolio Administrators can receive alerts as:

There are default notifications already set up for the Lease Administrator and Portfolio Manager roles. If needed, you can edit these default settings, or you can define alerts for additional roles.

You define alerts by specifying:

Notifications are customizable by user role. You associate an alert with a role; users assigned to that role receive the alert on the specified number of days before the due date, using the notification method defined for the alert.


Alerts are color-coded for three levels of urgency: green, yellow, and red. Typically, green alerts are the least urgent and are issued further from the due date than yellow or red. Yellow is more urgent than green and appears closer to the due date. Red is the most urgent and would appear closest to the due data of any alert. Use the color coding to develop a hierarchy that communicates the appropriate urgency to your users.

To define an alert

  1. Select the Define Alerts task.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. In the Alert panel, complete these fields:

    Field Description
    Alert Type

    Select either

    • Lease - Date End
    • Lease Option - Date Option Expires
    Role Name Select the name of the role. You can create one alert of each color for each role.
    Alert Color

    Select Green, Yellow, or Red.

    Notification Days Before Due This is the number of days before the due date to issue the alert.
    Notification Days After Due

    This is the number of days after the due date to remove the alert. If you enter 0, the last day the alert appears is its due date; it is removed the next day.

    Issue Alert?  If you want the user to view the alert using the Alert task, or from the Portfolio tab on the Leases Administration dashboard, select Yes.
    Send Email? If you want the user to receive an email notification of the alert, select Yes.
  4. Click Save.