Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Getting Started

Getting Started: Compliance Program Coordinators Track Their Work

The Compliance Program Coordinator can track the requirements and events for which they are entered as the Responsible Person.

Role/Task Description Help Topic
Compliance Program Coordinator

Manage My Compliance Requirements

Update information for the requirements for which you are the Responsible Person.

Review and add communications logs and documents.

Review locations added for requirements.

Managing Your Compliance Requirements

Mange My Permits and Licenses

Update information for the permit/license requirements for which you are the Responsible Person.

Review and add communications logs and documents.

Review locations added for permit/license requirements.

Managing Your Permits and Licenses

View My Events Calendar

View and manage events and their status by week, month, or year that are assigned to you. Viewing Your Events Calendar

Manage My Missed and Overdue Events

Review missed and overdue events and update their status, reschedule, and document your activity to get the event back on schedule. Managing Missed and Overdue Events

Update Status and Close My Events

Update status and edit information for events. You can update status for multiple events at one time. Updating Status and Closing Events