/ Compliance Program Coordinator

Managing Your Permits and Licenses

From the Manage My Permits and Licenses task, you can track information about requirements that have either the Permit or License Requirement Types for compliance programs for which you are entered as the Responsible Person.

Note: You cannot report on permits and licenses for contract terms with this task.

From the Manage My Permits and Licenses task, you can:

Updating Requirement Information

To update information for permit and license requirement types:

  1. Select Compliance Program Coordinator / Manage My Permits and Licenses task.
  2. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the permit or license requirement you want to work with. Enter filter criteria in the console and click Show.
  3. From the Select Compliance Requirement to Manage pane, click Select in the row for the requirement.

    The Define Requirement tab becomes active.

  4. In the Update Requirement form, update the following information as needed:

    Compliance Level Code: Select the current degree of compliance for this requirement. Keeping this selection up-to-date ensures the accuracy of reports that group by compliance level.

    Requirement Status: Select the current status of the requirement, such as On Hold, Active, Completed. Completed-Verified, or Closed. Keeping this selection up-to-date ensures that reports generated by Requirement Status are accurate. For example, the Compliance Requirements Count by Compliance Level and Requirement Type report initially shows requirements that have the Requirement Status of Active.

    Date Expire/Renewal: Date that the permit or license expires or requires renewal.

    Notes: Enter any notes documenting your activity for this requirement.

    Reason for Hold: If you changed the Requirement Status to On Hold, you can enter the reason for doing so here.

  5. Click Save.

Updating the Event Status and Responsible Person

To update event status and the responsible person:

  1. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the permit or license requirement.
  2. Click Select in the row for the requirement.

    The Define Requirement tab becomes active.

  3. Select the Events tab.

    The grid shows a list of Scheduled events for the selected requirement.

  4. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the event.
  5. Click Edit in the row for the event.
  6. In the Define Scheduled Event for Compliance Requirement pane, update the following information:
    Event StatusSelect the current status for the event from the Event Status list
    Responsible PersonTo assign the event to a different employee, select the employee from the Responsible Employee list. The employee you select will now see the event in their Compliance Program Coordinator tasks, and the event is removed from your view
    DiscussionEnter any notes to further describe any changes for this event
  7. Click Save.