Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Getting Started

Getting Started with the Document Library - Track and Manage All Compliance Documents

Compliance involves tracking, organizing, and managing a large volume of many different types of documents related to compliance initiatives. The Compliance application provides you with several means of storing and organizing documents that greatly facilitates locating and managing them. In addition to associating documents with compliance records (regulations, compliance programs, requirements, events, contracts, contract terms, and locations), you can associate a document with a document folder, or you can assign a document to a category and type that facilitates locating it.

Role/Task Description Help Topic
Business Process Owner - Compliance

Define Document Library Folder

Define document library folders to organize all documents into a filing system that is customized to your unique business needs or structure. Documents associated with a Document folder can be easily accessed when needed, for example, when providing documentation for an audit. These documents can also be accessed from other applications that use the Document Library feature, such as Environmental Health and Safety.

Defining Document Library Folders

Define Document Categories and Types

By assigning documents a category and a type, you can track the type of document being uploaded for easy and fast retrieval in the future. You can define Document Categories and Types in addition to Document Library Folders. Defining Document Categories and Types
Compliance Program Manager

Manage Regulations and Initiatives (Documents tab)

Manage Compliance Programs (Documents tab)

Manage Requirements (Documents tab)

You can add documents to regulations, programs, requirements, events, and locations. You can also associate the document with a document folder, and a document category and type to facilitate locating it.

Working with Documents: Overview

Adding Documents for Compliance Records


Manage Document Library

Documents can be associated with a compliance record, and they can be associated with a document folder, category, or type. The Manage Document Library task offers a consolidated method for uploading, finding, and viewing all documents in one place.

Managing the Document Library