Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Compliance Program Manager

Adding and Editing Events for a Requirement or Contract Term

Note: You can generate events for both contract terms and compliance program requirements. The information in this topic applies to events for both contract terms and requirements.

Events are the specific occurrences of a requirement or contract term that you can track and manage to assess your compliance efforts. From the Events tab of the Manage Compliance Requirements task (Manage Contract Terms task), you can:

For information on non-recurring events, see About Non-Recurring Events.

For information on generating events using a recurring schedule, see Generating Scheduled Events.

You can add and edit events with these tasks:

Using the Filter Console for Requirement Events

From the Events tab, note the following when using the Filter console:

Filter Field Note

Date From

Date To

When you enter the Date From and Date To in the Filter console, the restriction includes events that are active during any portion of the time frame
Do Not Reschedule?

Use this field to locate events that deviate from the recurring schedule. These include manually entered events or generated events that you have modified and for which you changed the Do Not Reschedule field to Yes.

See Designating Events that Should Not be Rescheduled.

Hide the Filter Console

To hide the Filter, click the dotted section of the splitter.

See Working with a View's Panels

Editing Events

You might need to update information for an event, such as changing the scheduled dates when an event begins or ends, the person responsible for the event, or the event status. Updating this information is important if you are using notification templates, so that notifications are sent out at the correct time and to the appropriate stakeholders.

To edit an event:

  1. Access the Manage Compliance Requirements or Manage Contract Terms task, and locate the requirement or contract term for which you want to generate events. See Using the Filter Console for Requirements.
  2. Click Select in the row for the requirement.

    The Define Requirement tab becomes active.

  3. Click the Events tab.
  4. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the event. See Using the Filter Console for Requirement Events.
  5. Click Edit in the row for the event you want to edit.
  6. Update information for the event in the bottom pane, and click Save. For a description of the fields, see the following section of this topic.

If using the Manage Non-Recurring Events or Manage All Compliance Events tasks, locate the event and choose the Select button. You move to the Define Events tab, where you can edit the event properties.

Manually Adding an Event

There might be situations where you want to manage events that do not occur on a regular schedule, or events that are discretionary events that you want to plan for but not schedule without using the full features of the Projects application. You can enter these events manually.

To manually add an event:

  1. Access one of the following tasks:


    Manage Compliance Requirements

    Manage Contract Terms

    1. Select the task.
    2. Use the Filter Console to locate the requirement or contract term for which you are adding an event.
    3. Click Select in the row for the requirement.

      The Define Requirement tab becomes active.

    4. Select the Events tab,
    5. In the Scheduled Events for Compliance Location pane, click Add New.

      The Define Scheduled Event for Compliance Requirement form appears.

    Manage Non-Recurring Events task


    Manage All Compliance Events task

    1. Select the task.
    2. In the Select Compliance Event to Manage pane, click Add New.

      The Define Compliance Event form appears.

  2. Enter the following required information:
    Event TitleEnter a unique name that clearly identifies the event to users.
    Event Status

    Event status is a key piece of information as the triggers for missed and overdue events are based on the Event Status and the Date Scheduled Start and End. By default, this is set to SCHEDULED, but if this is an event that you want to plan for without committing to a schedule, you can change the status. For example, you could change it to Planned for discretionary work that you plan to do at another time.

    Note: You cannot change the Event Status from the default of SCHEDULED when working from the Manage Non-Recurring Events task.

    Do Not Reschedule?

    When you enter an event, you use this flag to indicate whether the event can be removed and re-created if you regenerate events for the event's requirement.

    By default, this is set to Yes when creating an event manually, and is set to No when an event is generated automatically using the Save and Generate Events command. Set this flag to Yes if there is a specific event in a recurring set that should not be removed if events are re-generated. For example, if you change schedule information for an event that was generated from a recurring schedule, and want to ensure that this change is preserved, change the Do Not Reschedule flag to Yes for the event.

    You can search for events by the Do Not Reschedule field. This enables you to find events that are not part of the recurring set for a given requirement. For example, for a requirement with a recurring Monday 9 AM meeting, you could search for all the future instances when the meeting was changed to another time, in case someone can only make Monday morning meetings.

    Date Scheduled Start/Date Scheduled EndSelect the dates you are scheduling this event to start and end. By Default, this is set to the current date, but you should change it to reflect your actual schedule.
    Regulation/Compliance Program Code/Requirement CodeSelect the regulation. compliance program, and requirement for the event.
  3. Enter the following recommended information:
    Date Completion RequiredSelect the date by which this event must be completed to be in compliance.
    Regulatory ContactSelect your contact at the regulatory agency.
    Create Notifications

    Select Yes to have notifications sent for this event. The notifications can be global notifications assigned to all events, or additional notifications assigned to this event.

    Select No if you do not want notifications sent for this event.

    Responsible PersonSelect the employee (such as the Compliance Program Coordinator) responsible for this event. When the Compliance Program Coordinator logs in to their tasks, they see only the requirements and events for which they are entered as the Responsible Person. When managing events, you can search by the Responsible Person to locate events assigned to that employee. You can also generate reports to show requirements or events for a selected Responsible Person.
    Vendor CodeSelect the vendor you use for this event.
  4. Enter the following additional information as needed:
    DescriptionEnter a description for this event.
    DiscussionEnter any notes applicable to this event.
    Hold/Cancel Reason

    If this event is placed on hold, or is cancelled, enter the reason for doing so here.

  5. Enter location information for the event:
    • If you are using the Manage All Compliance Events task or Manage Non-Recurring Event task, in the Location Information section, select the location information for the event. Select the information lower in the hierarchy and the application fills in the higher information when you click Save. For example, select the Building and the application fills in the Property, Site, city, state, region, and country if this information is available.
    • If you are using the Manage Contract Terms or Manage Program Requirement task, you complete the Location ID field with one of the locations that is already assigned to this contract term or requirement. Click the ellipses button for the Location ID field, and you can choose from the list of locations defined for this contract or program requirement.
  6. As you work on the event, enter the following information as it becomes available:
    Date CompletedEnter the date the event was actually completed.
    Date VerifiedEnter the date that the event's completion was verified.
    Date ClosedEnter the date the event was closed.
  7. Do one of the following:
  8. After saving the requirement, to add a new event based on the event you just entered:
    • In the Define Scheduled Event pane, click Copy As New.

      The Define Scheduled Event pane presents a new form filled in with the information with the event you just entered.

    • Make changes to the information as needed, and click Save.