Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Workflow / Define Maintenance Checklist
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Business Manager / Define Maintenance Checklist
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager / Define Maintenance Checklist
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Contract Manager / Define Compliance Questionnaire
Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Compliance Program Manager / Define Compliance Questionnaire

Edit a Questionnaire

As you develop your questionnaire, you may need to edit its parts. Likewise, after a questionnaire is complete, you may need to make changes.

The Define Compliance Questionnaire and Define Maintenance Checklist tasks offer Edit mode for making changes.

Typically, you will set your questionnaire to a Status of Draft while you develop and edit your questionnaire. When the survey is being used in the field, you set the Status to Active. If you attempt to edit an active questionnaire, the system reminds you that you can add new questions, but you cannot edit existing questions. To make modifications to existing questions, copy the Questionnaire in the Questionnaire List and then modify the copied Questionnaire.

To edit the components of a questionnaire

Note: To edit the questionnaire title, description, and status, edit the questionnaire profile.

  1. Load the Define Compliance Questionnaire or Define Maintenance Checklist task.
  2. Search for a questionnaire and select it from the list by clicking on it. The questionnaire displays in its own tab.
  3. Click the Edit icon to enter Edit mode.
  4. The questionnaire activates the edit buttons so that you can add items to the survey.
  5. To edit an existing item, hover over it to activate the edit commands.
    • The ellipses presents a menu with more options:
    • The pencil icon presents the form for editing the selected item. For example, activate the pencil from a text entry question, and you receive the "Editing Question - Text" form.
  6. When you have completed your edit, save it.
  7. To see the edit on the questionnaire, click the Refresh button. This is located at the top of the form, next to the questionnaire title.
  8. When through, exit edit mode by clicking on the Edit button at the top of the questionnaire.

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Define Compliance Questionnaires Overview

Define Maintenance Checklists Overview