Capital Projects / Condition Assessment
Sustainability & Risk / Sustainability Assessment

Operational Reports

From the Operational Reports process, the following reports are available.

In addition to these reports, be sure to review Management Reports and Operational Reports (Drawings).

Basic Assessment Data in Report Format

The first set of reports lists basic information about your assessment project in report format. Typically, this information is developed by the Business Process Owner. Users who need to view this information can access it in report format from the Reports process. The following data is available in report format:

Report Description
Contacts Lists companies and personnel that might be involved in the assessment process and resolution of assessment items
Projects Lists the assessment projects
Classification Codes Classifications can help you to organize your data based on industry standards. This report lists the classifications used at your site. This report is also available from the Asset Portal.
Problem Description Codes When assessors in the field are noting the condition of items, they can choose from this list of typical problems. If assessors at your site jot down conditions on hard-copy paper, you may wish to print this report or export it to XLS and provide it to them so that they can reference an existing problem description in their notes. See Using Printed Forms for Field Assessments for more information on using hard copy reports in the field


This report provides a wealth of information about the severity of the conditions discovered by field assessors. After assessors return from the field, use this report to determine which items need immediate attention. If you have estimated the costs of addressing items, this report will include estimated cost of addressing items. For details, see Scoreboard.

Assessment Project Statistics by Location

Run this report for the facility condition index (an index number that indicates the current condition or environmental sustainability of an asset measured to its "as new" condition) of the assessment items in this project. The summary report shows the average, lowest, and highest facility index condition of all records; you can then drill down through the report's summary data to see the details for each assessment item.

In addition to the facility condition index, the following are shown:

Like the scoreboard, this report is handy for showing the severity of items and the estimated cost of fixing items, and is useful for prioritizing the resolution of the issues discovered by the field assessors. It does not report on actual costs of addressing items.

  1. Select your assessment project. If you wish, choose the Details button to display a pop-up with details about this project.
  2. Specify restriction and grouping properties of the report. To show all assessment items of this project, skip this step.
  1. To generate an on-screen summary report, choose Show. The system displays the total number of assessment items in this project that meet the specified criteria, along with the min, max, avg facility condition index and the total estimated costs for addressing these items.
  2. Click on a cell in the report and the system displays the Assessment Items tab listing the details of the assessment items contributing to the values in this cell. At this point, you see the facility condition index of the individual assessment items.
  3. At any time, you can display the assessment item details in a printed report by choosing Paginated Report and following the prompts.
  4. At any time, you can export the assessment details to a Microsoft Excel file by choosing the XLS button.

Note: If you are grouping by room and find that the report is slow to generate, you may wish to set a filter for the rooms on a particular floor or within a particular building.

Assessments by Project

Run this report for an overview, including estimated and actual cost, of the assessment items in this project; then, drill down through the report's summary data to the details of the assessment items contributing to this data.

  1. Select your assessment project. If you wish, choose the Details button to display details about this project.
  2. Specify restriction and grouping properties of the report. To show all assessment items of this project, skip this step.
  1. To generate an on-screen summary report, choose Show. The system displays the total number of assessment items in this project that meet the specified criteria, along with the total estimated and actual costs for addressing these items.
  2. Click on a cell in the report and the system displays the Assessment Items tab listing the details of the assessment items contributing to the values in this cell.
  3. At any time, you can display the assessment item details in a printed report by choosing Paginated Report and following the prompts.
  4. At any time, you can export the assessment details to a Microsoft Excel file by choosing the XLS button.

Assessments with Condition/Sustainability Ratings Greater than 25

This report lists issues that should be promptly addressed because they have a high condition rating, or sustainability rating.

  1. Select your assessment project. If you wish, choose the Details button to display a pop-up with details about this project.
  2. If you wish, restrict the report to showing items with a 25-plus condition or sustainability rating for a specific site, building, or floor, by entering the site, building, or floor in the filter.
  1. To generate an on-screen summary report, choose Show. The system displays the total number of assessment items in this project that have a condition or sustainability rating greater than 25 and that meet the other criteria that you may have specified. The system displays various cost and facility condition index totals as well.
  2. Click on a cell in the report and the system displays the Assessment Items tab listing the details of the assessment items contributing to the values in this cell.
  3. At any time, you can display the assessment item details in a printed report by choosing Paginated Report and following the prompts.
  4. At any time, you can export the assessment details to a Microsoft Excel file by choosing the XLS button.

Open Safety Issues/Open Energy Usage Issues

These reports indicate safety and energy issues that should be promptly addressed. The reports list open assessment items that have the following Condition Priority or Sustainability Priority values:

To use these reports:

  1. Select your assessment project. If you wish, choose the Details button to display a pop-up with details about this project.
  2. If you wish, specify a restriction, such as showing safety issues only for a particular building or classification. To show all assessment items of this project, skip this step.
  1. To generate an on-screen summary report, choose Show. The system displays the total number of assessment items in this project that meet the specified criteria and are safety or energy issues. The summary also displays the total estimated cost, actual cost, and facility condition index summary information.
  2. Click on a cell in the report and the system displays a pop-up listing the details of the assessment items contributing to the values in this cell. At this point, you see the facility condition index of the individual assessment items.
  3. At any time, you can display the assessment item details in a printed report by choosing Paginated Report and following the prompts.
  4. At any time, you can export the assessment details to a Microsoft Excel file by choosing the XLS button.

Work Request Summary by Active Assessment Items by Project

If you have generated service (work) requests to handle the resolution of problems, use this report to see your active work for each location within a specified project.

  1. Select your assessment project.
  2. If you wish the selection list to show only work within this project for certain floors, buildings, sites, or classification codes, specify a restriction at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Show button.
  1. In the left pane, drill down to choose the site, building, or floor for which you want to see active condition assessment work requests.

Work Request Status Statistics by Assessment Project

This report provides information similar to the above report, except that you do not drill down by location.