Assets / Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Enterprise Assets / IT Asset Manager
Assets / Telecom Assets / Telecom Management

Migrating Archibus Client/Server Telecom Assets: Floor Plans

Migrating Archibus Windows Client/Server telecom data is a two-step process:

Migrating the floor plans does the following:

Note: Since cards are contained within network devices or equipment items, the default Client/Server schema did not call for representing cards as asset symbols in drawings. Accordingly, although the routine for migrating data converts Card records to Equipment records, there is not a corresponding feature in the routine that converts asset symbols.


  1. From the SmartClient Extension for AutoCAD, open a floor plan that needs to be converted.
  2. Execute the Appload command. Select to load afm_TelecomCSToWeb.lsp from the \SmartClient\acad folder.
  3. Execute the command at the AutoCAD command box by typing: migrateTelecomAssets
    • The routine runs quite quickly and presents a message when complete.
    • If you like, run the LIST command on a hub, card, or network device and you will see that it is now on the Equipment layer. Similarly, run LIST on a punch block, and you will see that it is now on the Patch Panel layer.
  4. Save the floor plan.
  5. So that you can access the floor plans in Web Central's Telecom Console, publish the floor plans as enterprise graphics. To do so, run the Archibus / Synchronization / Publish Enterprise Graphics command from the Ribbon of your CAD tool.


See Also

Migrating Telecom Data Developed in Client/Server to Web Central (Overview)